wah akhirnya setelah melalui dua kali nyubuh, terbirit2 ke snapy benhil jam 3 pagi.. terkumpul sudah itu softcover tugas akhir pada tanggal 15 desember kemaren.
ih gw degdegaaaannnn..
udah dikumpulin gw malah makin deg2an.. huhu. ya abis itulah senjata gw dalam rangka sidang ntar, gw bakal disidang pake apa yang gw tulis disituuuu.. huuu takuuuttt.. gw parno banget ada apaaa gitu yang salah. kayaknya gak akan pernah ada kata final tuh dalam bikin laporan ituuu..
trus bbrp hari yang lalu keluar pengumuman sidang.
JRENGGGGGGG. Aduh gw tu antara mau tau dan gak mau tau. mau tau karna yaaa penasaran siapa yang ntar jadi tukang jagal gw, apakah si bapak hantu atau bukan ataukah justru yang lebih hantu hehehe. tapi gw jg gak mau tauu karnaaa berarti gw udah mulai harus menghitung hari menuju tanggal sidang itu kan ya. sementara abis ngumpulin softcover ini rencananya gw mau planga plongo duluu..
ya tapi akhirnya kebaca juga tu pengumuman ama gw.
SABTU 17 Januari 2008
Bpk L.Y. Joko Suratmo
Bpk Benedictus A. Simangunsong
Ibu Dessy Kania yang MahaKuasaa sang pembimbing gw
1. Itu tuh hari Sabtu yaaahh
4. Pak ben.. ya you know lah.. dia itu orangnyaaa apa yaaa.. sangat berdedikasi pada dunia pendidikan dan kemajuan anak muridnya.. jadi dia bakal baca itu yang namanya laporan gw dan pasti akan menemukan kejanggalan disana sini heheheh. teruuusss gw ngeri aja bakal ditanya tentang teori komunikasi dan MPS.. oh nooooooooo
5. Pak Joko. hehehehehehehehehehe yaa gitu dehhhh.... jangan sampe dia tanya 'menurut kamu hakikat dari kecantikan itu apa?' Mampusss.
all in all,
not bad.
at least gw ga dapet org2 yang gw takutin banget [walopun ama pak ben gw serem juga sih]
tapi not good juga,
karna hal2 yg gw sebutkan diatas ituu.
gw ga mauuu dapet hari terakhirr.... selain karna bikin gw males karna semua org udah kelar, kalo hari terakhr kan biasanya dosen2 udah terinspirasi dari sidang2 sebelumnya mau nanya apaaaa.. huhuuhuh..
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
9.05 PM
Midnight Bottle - Colbie Caillat
Tau kan printilan? hal-hal gak penting gitu loh... hal2 kecil tapi ngerepotin karna harus tetep diurusin.. bahasa lainnya tetek bengek kali yah.. cuma ga enak aja ya dengernya hihi. Hal ini nih yang sedang gw hadapi sekarang menjelang detik2 terakhir pengumpulan softcover tugas akhir. Perlu ya di bold?? Oh Jelassss!!
Males banget cuyyyy, ngurusin yang namanya page set up, margin kanan kiri apalah, trus diusahakan gimana caranya supaya judul subbab itu gak nyempil sendirian di akhir halaman, harus diatur sedemikian rupa lah..
nah yang bikin tambah emosi adalah pas di laptop gw kok baik2 aja ya udah cantik itu pengaturan ke 98 halaman laporan gue, eh tiba2 pas dipindah ke laptop kakak gw buat di print, yang terjadi adalah BERANTAKAN LAGI itu halaman2. terpaksalah gw benerin lagi.. tapi tetep aja entah kenapa gak secantik ketika di laptop guee.
Saking sebelnya gw sampe merasa perlu curhat di sini dongg. udah kebayang deh ntar pembimbing gw yang mahakuasa itu akan mencoret2 laporan gw 'Kok masih tidak rapih?'
Ahhhhhhhhhhrrggg gw benciiiii hal2 seperti iniii.
tidak esensial kalo kata maliq & d'essentials.
kan yang penting isi laporan gueeee.
asal gw bikin rapih walopun gak pas 3 cm, 4 cm, 4 cm, 3 c, marginnya ya gak papa lah yaaa.
masalahnyaa di kampus gw ada dosen yang kalo nguji pas sidang suka rempong masalah ginian. Haah.
dasar printilan gak penting.
udah frustasi lama2 gw kasi soft copy aja deh suruh dia print sendiri
Midnight Bottle - Colbie Caillat
Tau kan printilan? hal-hal gak penting gitu loh... hal2 kecil tapi ngerepotin karna harus tetep diurusin.. bahasa lainnya tetek bengek kali yah.. cuma ga enak aja ya dengernya hihi. Hal ini nih yang sedang gw hadapi sekarang menjelang detik2 terakhir pengumpulan softcover tugas akhir. Perlu ya di bold?? Oh Jelassss!!
Males banget cuyyyy, ngurusin yang namanya page set up, margin kanan kiri apalah, trus diusahakan gimana caranya supaya judul subbab itu gak nyempil sendirian di akhir halaman, harus diatur sedemikian rupa lah..
nah yang bikin tambah emosi adalah pas di laptop gw kok baik2 aja ya udah cantik itu pengaturan ke 98 halaman laporan gue, eh tiba2 pas dipindah ke laptop kakak gw buat di print, yang terjadi adalah BERANTAKAN LAGI itu halaman2. terpaksalah gw benerin lagi.. tapi tetep aja entah kenapa gak secantik ketika di laptop guee.
Saking sebelnya gw sampe merasa perlu curhat di sini dongg. udah kebayang deh ntar pembimbing gw yang mahakuasa itu akan mencoret2 laporan gw 'Kok masih tidak rapih?'
Ahhhhhhhhhhrrggg gw benciiiii hal2 seperti iniii.
tidak esensial kalo kata maliq & d'essentials.
kan yang penting isi laporan gueeee.
asal gw bikin rapih walopun gak pas 3 cm, 4 cm, 4 cm, 3 c, marginnya ya gak papa lah yaaa.
masalahnyaa di kampus gw ada dosen yang kalo nguji pas sidang suka rempong masalah ginian. Haah.
dasar printilan gak penting.
udah frustasi lama2 gw kasi soft copy aja deh suruh dia print sendiri
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Tabitha oh Tabitha
Strawberry sleighride- Pizzicato Five
Karena parno abis nonton Sigi 30 Menit di SCTV tentang kosmetik2 berbahaya.. maka gw pun cek n ricek obat muka yang gw pake sekarang.. dan ternyata dia memang tidak punya ijin POM krn bayarnya muahal nek.
tapi menurut sumber ituu.. kandungan dari si tabita itu adalah sebagai berikut:
krim malam : serbuk mutiara, belerang, minyak kelapa, stearic acid, glycine, glicerine, powder
krim siang : vit E, UV, extract alpukat, serbuk mutiara, ginseng, glicerine, citrus gandis
Sabun : ekstrak pepaya, vit E, A, C, water, maltitol, jojoba oil, alantoin
Smooth lotion : water, polyvinil, pentiqulen, alcohol 40% [ini tidak dianjurkan untuk dipakai terus2an setelah >6bln krn alkoholnya tinggi. peringatan ini tercantum juga kok di bungkusnya]
i choose to believe it.
katanya artis2 juga pake looohhh.. ihihihi
Strawberry sleighride- Pizzicato Five
Karena parno abis nonton Sigi 30 Menit di SCTV tentang kosmetik2 berbahaya.. maka gw pun cek n ricek obat muka yang gw pake sekarang.. dan ternyata dia memang tidak punya ijin POM krn bayarnya muahal nek.
tapi menurut sumber ituu.. kandungan dari si tabita itu adalah sebagai berikut:
krim malam : serbuk mutiara, belerang, minyak kelapa, stearic acid, glycine, glicerine, powder
krim siang : vit E, UV, extract alpukat, serbuk mutiara, ginseng, glicerine, citrus gandis
Sabun : ekstrak pepaya, vit E, A, C, water, maltitol, jojoba oil, alantoin
Smooth lotion : water, polyvinil, pentiqulen, alcohol 40% [ini tidak dianjurkan untuk dipakai terus2an setelah >6bln krn alkoholnya tinggi. peringatan ini tercantum juga kok di bungkusnya]
i choose to believe it.
katanya artis2 juga pake looohhh.. ihihihi
Friday, December 5, 2008
Pulang ke Hatimu - Shera
"ihh lebay dehhh"
itu mungkin ya yang ada di pikiran orang2 dengan judul lagu sontrek 9 Naga ini ahaha. gak papaa.. tapi sebaiknya disimak dulu lagunya bungg.. cocok untuk mental2 melankolis, yang berhati hello kitty di luar sana. atau mungkin untuk yang luarnya seperti duren -tajem2, tapi dalemnya tetepp mangga manis hehehe :D
Telah letih langkahku dan terasa berat
Cukup banyak kesalahan ku buat
Di mimpiku kudengar bunyi suaramu
Yang memanggil ku pulang ke dalam hatimu
Karna hanyalah hatimu rumah terindah
Ku kan pulang tunggu aku didekat pintumu
Cintamu padaku tuntun jalanku
Ku kan pulang ke hatimu
Rumah terindah
seperti yang dibilang Depeche Mode di lagu yang kurang lebih bernuansa sama dengan judul mirip2 pula, 'Home',
pulang ga selalu berarti ke rumah. itu bisa berarti ke seseorang, suasana, hubungan, even God, apa aja yang membuat lo merasa tenang, as if you're home.
yaa jadi beruntunglah teman2 kalo lo semua punya sesuatu yang lo sebut 'rumah'
anyway, i think everyone, regardless of metal atau mellow, harus punya lagu ini hehehe c:
Pulang ke Hatimu - Shera
"ihh lebay dehhh"
itu mungkin ya yang ada di pikiran orang2 dengan judul lagu sontrek 9 Naga ini ahaha. gak papaa.. tapi sebaiknya disimak dulu lagunya bungg.. cocok untuk mental2 melankolis, yang berhati hello kitty di luar sana. atau mungkin untuk yang luarnya seperti duren -tajem2, tapi dalemnya tetepp mangga manis hehehe :D
Telah letih langkahku dan terasa berat
Cukup banyak kesalahan ku buat
Di mimpiku kudengar bunyi suaramu
Yang memanggil ku pulang ke dalam hatimu
Karna hanyalah hatimu rumah terindah
Ku kan pulang tunggu aku didekat pintumu
Cintamu padaku tuntun jalanku
Ku kan pulang ke hatimu
Rumah terindah
seperti yang dibilang Depeche Mode di lagu yang kurang lebih bernuansa sama dengan judul mirip2 pula, 'Home',
pulang ga selalu berarti ke rumah. itu bisa berarti ke seseorang, suasana, hubungan, even God, apa aja yang membuat lo merasa tenang, as if you're home.
yaa jadi beruntunglah teman2 kalo lo semua punya sesuatu yang lo sebut 'rumah'
anyway, i think everyone, regardless of metal atau mellow, harus punya lagu ini hehehe c:
Thursday, December 4, 2008
i think Cinta Laura is ok
Sunday Driving - Rivermaya [bukann bukan lagunya si Cinta]iya kenapa sih dengan Cinchya Lawra? [iya harus gitu ngomongnya hihi]
pertama-tama banget dia muncul dan gw liat dia gw emang enek 'aduh ini apaan si anak kecil?? gak bisa ngomong yang bener apa??'
udah gitu kan ya ni anak sengak abis, snob banget dengan omongan dia -dan emaknya juga hehe yang 'aku dari kecil kebiasaan kalo breakfast pake turkey baguet dan strawberry cereal' [dibaca dengan english yang suangattt luarrr biasaaaa fluent ya teman2]
trus emaknya [yang kaya Dora the Explorer ituu hehe.. oke deh tanteee] ngomong lah bahwa si Cinta ini dari kecil udah terbiasa dengan makanan hotel, jadi gak bisa makan sembarangan.. gak suka junk food, yada yada yada.
memang pertama2 pasti semua org mikirnya 'BBOOOOOK HELLLLOOOOUUWW' [saking susah dideskripsikan lagi ya perasaan yang ada ketika nonton si cinta ini di tv]
eh tapi ya makin kesini, i think she is ok.
eh tapi ya makin kesini, i think she is ok.
not necessarily 'good' but just ok.
karena menurut gw dia tidak membosankan. ya gak sih?
kalo dia diwawancara pasti ada aja yang bikin tertarik untuk denger, pengen tau dia ngmg apa lagi ya kali ini? ke-lebay-an apa lagi ya yg akan keluar dari logatnya dia itu? [mgkn ini gwnya aja yg ga ada kerjaan nontonin cinta laura hahaha]
but we must admit bahwa dia jauuh lebih berkarakter [walopun 'antagonis' hihi] daripada artis2 muda lain yang sangatttt memboosannkaaannn dan seragam.
to name a few: shireen sungkar, tyas mirasih, DONITA [aduh ini orang artis apaaan siihhh ganggu banget dehh], chacha frederika [sumpah beneran ada artis yg bernama demikiaann] dan lain lain masih banyak lagi yang tidak bisa gw cantumkan satu persatu [makanya lo rajin2 aja nek ntn infotemen pasti apal deh ama yangbeginian hahaha].
walopun mungkin mereka less hated tapi mereka semua menurut gw ya, ga ada bedanya.
kalo bahasa branding mereka itu parity products semuaaaa.. ga ada diferensiasi, alias sama aja. omongan seragam dan membosankan. jaim dan they're like trying too hard to be liked. ya gak sih?
nah hadirlah si Cinta ini dengan branding 'I'M LIKE SOO BULE' and 'School is number one, totally' dan 'I'm like this rrraaawwkk chick i like sum41, and papa roachhh yyeeaahh'. memang sih omongan dia terkesan sangat khas teenager bule yang masih mencari jati diri dan ada kesan2 'dumb blonde' gitu ya di dia.
cuek aja dia ngomong bahwa lagu dia di debutnya ini bukan lagu yang dia suka [yaa karna dia anak metal gituu dehhhh aslinya] sementara artis2 sinteron lain kalo bikin debut nyanyi tuh ngotooottt banget.. si cinta ini kesannya kayak 'yah udah deh apa aja.. laku gak laku gw ga peduli. yg penting SCHOOL IS NUMBER ONE' [iya dehhh ccciiinnnn..].
trus kalo di interview gitu ya menurut gw, she says what she thinks, what she wants to say.. bukan yang what PEOPLE want to hear. bodo amat deh orang mikir dia snob atau apa.
thats what makes her not boring. menurut gw ya.
Dan yang mungkin bikin artis2 lain keki adalah she is the true bule. sementara yg lain sibuk pacaran ama bule biar naik kelas dikit [ituu si DP ama si jessisca whoever itu yang main Dealova] atau ngomong2 sok bule [yaa itu si A to the G to the NEZZZ. Peace yo REZZPEECTT. whadduupp yo pumpitup yooo --> ribet seess? rempong sesss] si cinta ini gak usah susah payah bergaya sok bule, ngomong sok bule, attitude sok bule. she IS a frikkin bule. dan she seems to take advantage of it pretty well.
sadar gak sadar, sengaja gak sengaja dia udah punya brand sendiri yang cukup kuat.
that's why we love to hate her and we hate to love her
walopun suaranya jelek, aktingnya lebay, ngomongnya ganggu, gak apal Pancasila.
we just can't get enough of her.
ayo semuanyaa.. 1.. 2..3..
[dinyanyikan ala Cinta ya..]
"kachakan kachakan kau sungguh sungguh
hanya ada akuu di dalam hatcimuu..
kachakan kachakan kau chincha akuu
untuk selamanya kau jadi milikkuuuu.."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Edward Cullen uuuww *-*
7.21 pm
Suitcase - Joe Purdy [hehe sebenernya ga nyambung dengan postingan but thats what currently playing di itunes gw, so..]
Suitcase - Joe Purdy [hehe sebenernya ga nyambung dengan postingan but thats what currently playing di itunes gw, so..]
Jadiii hari ini gw pergi menonton Twilight. karena gak ada yg bisa diajakin di tempat dan jam yg gw mau, jadilah gw pergi menonton sendiri [hey whats wrong with that. i've done that a few times and it's still fun. you should try it, seriously]
dan ya ampuuunnn.
gw jatuh cinta sejatuh2nya dengan si Edward Cullen.
Yaaaa Tuhaaannn is he gorrrrrgeous or waaatttt

yea he does look pale, and looking like he wears lip color or something.
but he is a vampire, he was supposed to look like that rite?? so to hell with that.
coba tolong dilihat ya sodara sodaraa
he has those mysterious eyes, heart throbbing stare.
and he starts weird conversations
and he jumps off buildings and trees and doesnt sleep. doesnt eat. doesnt drink.
sangat keren. [kenapa ya ga tidur ga makan minum jadi keren kalo dia orangnya? hahaha]
sangat keren. [kenapa ya ga tidur ga makan minum jadi keren kalo dia orangnya? hahaha]

*.* *.* *.*
aku tresno karo koeeee
Thursday, November 20, 2008
5.47 AM
If it's alright - Lindsay Lohan [yeapp lindsay lohan it is.. hahaha]
When you think about your last relationship that ended just like that. You would think 'where did i go wrong?', 'is it me?', 'is it him?', 'kok bisa jadi kaya gitu yah?'.
and you come to this point, this conclusion.
then what made you decide to have the relationship?
while now you think 'anjir gw kok BISA pacaran ama dia ya?', 'what was i thinking???'
yes, you wasnt thinking enough dear.
you wish you were in love with him so everything would have been so much easier.
but you don't work on a relationship. if you do, then something must be wrong
I should've known the day we met
The way you turned and waved at me i never will forget
Two years later who'da guessed
That we would make it this far just to put it all to rest
And if it's alright i'll stay here till it's late
Until you tell me that it's time that we moved on
And if it takes all night i'll wait here till the daylight
So that i can see that we just don't belong
It's alright, we were wrong
If you're crazy then i'm insane
Two people with the same condition it never goes away
It's not our problem anymore
But lets just call it even when im walking out that door
And oh it won't be easy cause it was hard from the start
We must have met for some reason it's in the sky so think i'm up high
We must have met for some reason
it wasn't a lie, it just wasn't right
it was all seem perfect and lovey dovey at the beginning
But it just wasn't love. And it took you some time -and fights to figure that out
he was a good guy, just not the one you fell for
If it's alright - Lindsay Lohan [yeapp lindsay lohan it is.. hahaha]
When you think about your last relationship that ended just like that. You would think 'where did i go wrong?', 'is it me?', 'is it him?', 'kok bisa jadi kaya gitu yah?'.
and you come to this point, this conclusion.
then what made you decide to have the relationship?
while now you think 'anjir gw kok BISA pacaran ama dia ya?', 'what was i thinking???'
yes, you wasnt thinking enough dear.
you wish you were in love with him so everything would have been so much easier.
but you don't work on a relationship. if you do, then something must be wrong
I should've known the day we met
The way you turned and waved at me i never will forget
Two years later who'da guessed
That we would make it this far just to put it all to rest
And if it's alright i'll stay here till it's late
Until you tell me that it's time that we moved on
And if it takes all night i'll wait here till the daylight
So that i can see that we just don't belong
It's alright, we were wrong
If you're crazy then i'm insane
Two people with the same condition it never goes away
It's not our problem anymore
But lets just call it even when im walking out that door
And oh it won't be easy cause it was hard from the start
We must have met for some reason it's in the sky so think i'm up high
We must have met for some reason
it wasn't a lie, it just wasn't right
it was all seem perfect and lovey dovey at the beginning
But it just wasn't love. And it took you some time -and fights to figure that out
he was a good guy, just not the one you fell for
Saturday, November 15, 2008
beautifull mess. beautiful song
4.23 PM
Satu nomor cantik lagi dari Jason Mraz
You've got the best of both worlds
You're the kind of girl who can take down a man and lift him back up again
You are strong but you're needy, Humble but you're greedy
And based on your body language and shouted cursive i've been reading
Your style is quite selective, though your mind is rather reckless
Well I guess it just suggests that this is just what happiness is
And what a beautiful mess this is, It's like picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you write
Kind of turn themselves into knives
And don't mind my nerve you could call it fiction
But I like being submerged in your contradictions dear
'Cause here we are, here we are
Although you were biased I love your advice
Your comebacks they're quick
And probably have to do with your insecurities
There's no shame in being crazy, Depending on how you take these
Words I'm paraphrasing, this relationship we're staging
And what a beautiful mess this is. It's like picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say
Kind of turn themselves into blades
And kind and courteous is a life I've heard
But it's nice to say that we played in the dirt oh dear
Cause here we are, Here we areHere we are [x7]
We're still here
What a beautiful mess this is
It's like taking a guess when the only answer is yes
Through timeless words, and priceless pictures
We'll fly like birds, out of this earth
And times they turn, and hearts disfigure
But that's no concern when we're wounded together
And we tore our dresses, and stained our shirts
But it's nice today, oh the wait was so worth it.
It's ok if both of you are in a really messy relationship. all the fights, drama, contradictions, the torn dresses and stained shirts. it's crazy everyday. but both of you sure that 'we will work things out. no doubt about it. you know it's like taking a guess when the only answer is yes'
and you're finally here. still together
and you know it's all worth it.
Satu nomor cantik lagi dari Jason Mraz
You've got the best of both worlds
You're the kind of girl who can take down a man and lift him back up again
You are strong but you're needy, Humble but you're greedy
And based on your body language and shouted cursive i've been reading
Your style is quite selective, though your mind is rather reckless
Well I guess it just suggests that this is just what happiness is
And what a beautiful mess this is, It's like picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you write
Kind of turn themselves into knives
And don't mind my nerve you could call it fiction
But I like being submerged in your contradictions dear
'Cause here we are, here we are
Although you were biased I love your advice
Your comebacks they're quick
And probably have to do with your insecurities
There's no shame in being crazy, Depending on how you take these
Words I'm paraphrasing, this relationship we're staging
And what a beautiful mess this is. It's like picking up trash in dresses
Well it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say
Kind of turn themselves into blades
And kind and courteous is a life I've heard
But it's nice to say that we played in the dirt oh dear
Cause here we are, Here we areHere we are [x7]
We're still here
What a beautiful mess this is
It's like taking a guess when the only answer is yes
Through timeless words, and priceless pictures
We'll fly like birds, out of this earth
And times they turn, and hearts disfigure
But that's no concern when we're wounded together
And we tore our dresses, and stained our shirts
But it's nice today, oh the wait was so worth it.
It's ok if both of you are in a really messy relationship. all the fights, drama, contradictions, the torn dresses and stained shirts. it's crazy everyday. but both of you sure that 'we will work things out. no doubt about it. you know it's like taking a guess when the only answer is yes'
and you're finally here. still together
and you know it's all worth it.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
2.23 pm
No Other Love - Chuck Prophet
This is one of the OST for P.S I Love You. It was on the scene where Hillary Swank (lupa nama tokohnya) remembering her super gorgeous late husband -played by my darlinggg Gerard Butler. Di scene ini berasa banget kesepiannya si Hillary Swank ini tanpa suaminya yang walopun nyebelin setengah mati, berantem setiap hari but he is truly the one who brightened her life. Huhuhu. Let me tell you, that scene REALLY GOT ME.
This song kinda gives you feeling of surrender. To faith, to the Almighty.
the fact that this song is supposed to be about death, doenst stop me from playing it over and over again. haha.
No other love
Mama, I'm flyin'
No other love
Mama, I'm flyin'
I can go, I can go anywhere
No other love can take me there
gloomy yet sweet.
to everyone we love who already left this world.
No Other Love - Chuck Prophet
This is one of the OST for P.S I Love You. It was on the scene where Hillary Swank (lupa nama tokohnya) remembering her super gorgeous late husband -played by my darlinggg Gerard Butler. Di scene ini berasa banget kesepiannya si Hillary Swank ini tanpa suaminya yang walopun nyebelin setengah mati, berantem setiap hari but he is truly the one who brightened her life. Huhuhu. Let me tell you, that scene REALLY GOT ME.
This song kinda gives you feeling of surrender. To faith, to the Almighty.
the fact that this song is supposed to be about death, doenst stop me from playing it over and over again. haha.
No other love
Mama, I'm flyin'
No other love
Mama, I'm flyin'
I can go, I can go anywhere
No other love can take me there
gloomy yet sweet.
to everyone we love who already left this world.
Monday, October 27, 2008
3.10 P.M
Transmutasi - Homogenic
Akhirnya kembali juga gw menjadi mahasiswi. Mengerjakan laporan, berkutat dengan perpus cantik kampusku sayang, membuka2 buku2 indahnya [dibuka2 doang masuk ke otak kaga.. hahaha], bertapa di perpus ampe kedinginan ampe kebelet pipis, gaul ke supermol karawaci.. oh i am so embracing my college student days again.
so here i am, trying to find some refreshment from typing my laporan magang.. entah kenapa album Homogenic ini yg dari tadi gw puter berulang-ulang menemani kegiatan gw yg sangat penuh vitalitas ini. I don't know i think the song just suites the mood.
my fellows laskar TA yang sedang mencoba memeras otak membanting tulang menulis laporan magang, you guys might wanna try to listen to them. Endang bok.
Selamat datang di dunia maya
Cukup sudah semua kupinta
Biarkan hariku terlahir sepi
Sendiri kanku rangkai mimpiku
Lepaskan imajinasi dunia
Biarkan kuraih kembali semua
Sampai nanti di dunia nyata
Lelah ku merangkai cerita
Biarkan diriku slalu bermimpi
Sendiri kanku rangkai lirihku
OK, enough of it. let's get down to business -in this case my Laporan Magang The Great
Transmutasi - Homogenic
Akhirnya kembali juga gw menjadi mahasiswi. Mengerjakan laporan, berkutat dengan perpus cantik kampusku sayang, membuka2 buku2 indahnya [dibuka2 doang masuk ke otak kaga.. hahaha], bertapa di perpus ampe kedinginan ampe kebelet pipis, gaul ke supermol karawaci.. oh i am so embracing my college student days again.
so here i am, trying to find some refreshment from typing my laporan magang.. entah kenapa album Homogenic ini yg dari tadi gw puter berulang-ulang menemani kegiatan gw yg sangat penuh vitalitas ini. I don't know i think the song just suites the mood.
my fellows laskar TA yang sedang mencoba memeras otak membanting tulang menulis laporan magang, you guys might wanna try to listen to them. Endang bok.
Selamat datang di dunia maya
Cukup sudah semua kupinta
Biarkan hariku terlahir sepi
Sendiri kanku rangkai mimpiku
Lepaskan imajinasi dunia
Biarkan kuraih kembali semua
Sampai nanti di dunia nyata
Lelah ku merangkai cerita
Biarkan diriku slalu bermimpi
Sendiri kanku rangkai lirihku
OK, enough of it. let's get down to business -in this case my Laporan Magang The Great
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sometimes you don't understand yourself.
and you ask yourself 'what the hell do i want exactly?' -or 'who' for that matter
and when you don't understand yourself, don't expect people to understand you.
so you better keep things to yourself.
cos when you tell them, even if they are your so-called closest friends, they may come up with something you don't want to hear. Or something you don't expect them to say at this point.
Or maybe they just won't take it seriously. They think it's just another phase of yours that will soon be gone.
cos you yourself don't even sure how do you want it to sounds like. Even how do you want it to be.
and the person you wish to understand it the most was the last person you would ever tell.
"jika mampu ku menyatu dalam darahmu, dalam nadimu, agar engkau tahu..
saat semua kata kehilangan makna
dan saat segala upaya terasa hampa"
and the worst thing about this note is that it is about me, not about you.
10 hours or so to my last day here
and you ask yourself 'what the hell do i want exactly?' -or 'who' for that matter
and when you don't understand yourself, don't expect people to understand you.
so you better keep things to yourself.
cos when you tell them, even if they are your so-called closest friends, they may come up with something you don't want to hear. Or something you don't expect them to say at this point.
Or maybe they just won't take it seriously. They think it's just another phase of yours that will soon be gone.
cos you yourself don't even sure how do you want it to sounds like. Even how do you want it to be.
and the person you wish to understand it the most was the last person you would ever tell.
"jika mampu ku menyatu dalam darahmu, dalam nadimu, agar engkau tahu..
saat semua kata kehilangan makna
dan saat segala upaya terasa hampa"
and the worst thing about this note is that it is about me, not about you.
10 hours or so to my last day here
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
KellySweet - Raincoat
Tumben bgt hari ini cuaca yg keliatan dari jendela kantor -yg gede2 itu, mendung. Hmmmmmm sungguh tidak mendukung untuk bekerja.
Raindrops bang like rocks on my windowpane
I thought they'd never stop Never see the sun again
And I've been sleeping in For way too long
wake up, enough's enough
those days are gone
I'm gonna throw out my raincoat
I hope it's all right
Gonna go find me a rainbow And hang it up in the sky
Blues pass me by
You left me a wreck Just like a rusty trombone
But some things they just sting, Enough to move you along
I'm not gonna wait around I'm throwin' this old thing out
48 hours or so to my last day here
KellySweet - Raincoat
Tumben bgt hari ini cuaca yg keliatan dari jendela kantor -yg gede2 itu, mendung. Hmmmmmm sungguh tidak mendukung untuk bekerja.
Raindrops bang like rocks on my windowpane
I thought they'd never stop Never see the sun again
And I've been sleeping in For way too long
wake up, enough's enough
those days are gone
I'm gonna throw out my raincoat
I hope it's all right
Gonna go find me a rainbow And hang it up in the sky
Blues pass me by
You left me a wreck Just like a rusty trombone
But some things they just sting, Enough to move you along
I'm not gonna wait around I'm throwin' this old thing out
48 hours or so to my last day here
Sunday, June 29, 2008
LUX Launch
Hari rabu kmrn [27/6] kantor tempat gw bernaung sebagai anak magang ngadain press conference untuk launching variants baru dari Lux yang diberi judul Lux Diva. Press conference nya sendiri beda ya menurut gw dari presscon2 yang biasa.
Konsep presscon kali ini, para wartawan diundang untuk main ke 'rumah' Lux Stars. Karena konsep itu juga kali ya kenapa dipilih Rumah Imam Bonjol sebagai lokasi. Rumahnya sendiri bagus bgt dan dekorasinya juga pas.. sesuai dengan keDIVAan tema kali ini lah.. hehe.
Jadiii nanti para lux stars itu pertamanya ga akan langsung dipajang didepan meja.. terus wartawan nanya2 kaya press con biasa.. tapi lux stars itu nanti ditempatkan di ruangan masing2; Tamara di Ruang Tidur, Dian di Ruang Baca, Luna di Dressing Room.. yang tentunya masing2 ruagan itu udah di dekor jadi oke bgt deh pokoknya..
nanti si wartawan setelah nyemil2 kecil di bawah.. mereka akan di usher ke lantai atas, untuk mampir ke ruangan2 para lux star ini.. nah disitu deh mereka bisa jepret2 dan tanya2 sedikit..
setelah itu baru ke bawah lagi untuk press con yg agak 'formal' dengan pihak unilever.
here are some pics of the house..



p.s.: makanannya enak2 bangetttt
Konsep presscon kali ini, para wartawan diundang untuk main ke 'rumah' Lux Stars. Karena konsep itu juga kali ya kenapa dipilih Rumah Imam Bonjol sebagai lokasi. Rumahnya sendiri bagus bgt dan dekorasinya juga pas.. sesuai dengan keDIVAan tema kali ini lah.. hehe.
Jadiii nanti para lux stars itu pertamanya ga akan langsung dipajang didepan meja.. terus wartawan nanya2 kaya press con biasa.. tapi lux stars itu nanti ditempatkan di ruangan masing2; Tamara di Ruang Tidur, Dian di Ruang Baca, Luna di Dressing Room.. yang tentunya masing2 ruagan itu udah di dekor jadi oke bgt deh pokoknya..
nanti si wartawan setelah nyemil2 kecil di bawah.. mereka akan di usher ke lantai atas, untuk mampir ke ruangan2 para lux star ini.. nah disitu deh mereka bisa jepret2 dan tanya2 sedikit..
setelah itu baru ke bawah lagi untuk press con yg agak 'formal' dengan pihak unilever.
here are some pics of the house..




p.s.: makanannya enak2 bangetttt
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
why update all of a sudden?
actually i never intended to post in this blog again. In fact i almost forgot that i have this blog account hehe apologies for my gaptek-ness, so i didnt find this blogging interesting. Then.
However, this last few weeks, since i started my internship and i got nothing much to do with this lancar dan mulus internet connection, i often went blog hopping and left comments here and there. Mostly the blogs were Blogspots, so whenever i left a comment, they would ask for my e-mail and there goes my Gmail account AND the link to this blog.
and i dont know why i felt this sort of obligation to update my blog just not to disappoint the visitors [like there are any hahaha]
yea here i am, trying to come back to this blogging thing.
for a starter, i would try to post a pic [ i never suceeded in this one].... ok ready?
here goes....
yeay, a picture in my blog finally. haha.
anyways this is my campus food court. kinda miss that place.
actually i never intended to post in this blog again. In fact i almost forgot that i have this blog account hehe apologies for my gaptek-ness, so i didnt find this blogging interesting. Then.
However, this last few weeks, since i started my internship and i got nothing much to do with this lancar dan mulus internet connection, i often went blog hopping and left comments here and there. Mostly the blogs were Blogspots, so whenever i left a comment, they would ask for my e-mail and there goes my Gmail account AND the link to this blog.
and i dont know why i felt this sort of obligation to update my blog just not to disappoint the visitors [like there are any hahaha]
yea here i am, trying to come back to this blogging thing.
for a starter, i would try to post a pic [ i never suceeded in this one].... ok ready?
here goes....

anyways this is my campus food court. kinda miss that place.
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