Monday, December 14, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
DEPARTURE DAY - 27 November 2009
Setelah disertai keributan dan huru hara di kantor, sibuk beli -or minjem hehe- perlengkapan tata busana musim dingin (maklum paling dingin ke Puncak ama ruang server IT di kantor cyyiinnnn), jadi juga tuh gw berangkat along with orang-orang sekantor. Yippppiieee.
Kayak ada giant AC diluar yang nyala 24 jam dan anginnya berhembus ke muka gw. hyah. Langsung deh peralatan perang dipake.
Abis ituu kita menuju ke bis masing2 dan off toooo.. NAMI ISLAND untuk jalan2 dan makan siang. (iye tempat syuting Winter Sonata yang kayanya menu wajib setiap tour ke KOREA).
Di bus kita dikenalin sama tour leader Korea-nya. Di bus gw namanya Lee Ni (or Lini, apalah pokoknya sounds like that), bahasa indonesianya lancar bangett karena dia pernah kuliah di UI satu semester hehe. Orangnya lucu dan cukup informatif (walopun agak galak sedikit ternyata :p)
Setelah perjalanan kurang lebih 1.5 jam, sampailah kita diii NAMI ISLAND. here is the of me and Riffa my room mate at the gate.. dengan gaya "Saranghaeee".. hehehe

Matahari emang bersinar cerah sodara2, tapi dinginnya sama ajaaaaa. Trus dengan gobloknya gw ke toilet dan pas cuci tangan pake air dingin yang berasa kaya air es >.< style="font-weight: bold;">Yeayy my first food in Korea!

Kita makan BBQ (tetep yah agak bule) dengan sayur mayur dan kimchiii. This is my first kimchi so gw pun sangat semangat mencoba dan ternyata rasanyaaa.... gak enak. Kimchi itu bisa dimasak macem2 kan yah, nah pas ini dibikin agak pedes asem gitu.. (di foto ini yang di mangkok coklat warnanya agak orang2 gitu) yah intinya agak kurang cocok di lidah awak. Jadi gw hanya makan daging BBQnya yang astaga ENAK BGTTT.. dengan nasi korea (well buat gw rasanya sih beda ya ama nasi di Indo hahah) dann sumpit logam seperti di film2.. norak yah gw.. hihi.
gue yang mana? yang di sebelah kiri deket asep itu lohhh.. dengan gaya "peace" ala ABG hehe.
Picture courtesy of ... "lupa. hehe maap*
Setelah disertai keributan dan huru hara di kantor, sibuk beli -or minjem hehe- perlengkapan tata busana musim dingin (maklum paling dingin ke Puncak ama ruang server IT di kantor cyyiinnnn), jadi juga tuh gw berangkat along with orang-orang sekantor. Yippppiieee.
Gw di-schedule untuk take off jam 23.55, tapi harus ada di bandara minimal 3 jam sebelum keberangkatan.. baiklah kalau begitu, pagi masih sempet packing donggg karenaaa sebelum2nya packing gw ga khatam2 karena masalah penyakit bernama "procrastinator" yang mendarah daging jadi ketunda mulu mau packing.
Singkat cerita sampailah gw di bandara, setelah briefing dengan tour leader lokal, dan menunggu satu setengah jam (!) ahirnya berangkat jugaaa.. perjalanan 6 jam pun gw habiskan dengan.... tidur. dan nonton film korea di pesawat hehehe tetep loh.
DAY 1 in KOREA - Nami Island and Ski Resort
Ahirnyaaaaa sampai juga kita diii KOREA!!! yeaaayyyyyy. walopun kuping budek akibat perjalanan 6 jam itu tp tetap happy.
Perbedaan waktunya sama Jakarta kurang lebih dua jam lebih cepet. Kita sampe around 9 pm waktu Korea Selatan.
Setelah turun pesawat, kita semua ke toilet untuk ganti baju (walopun masih berasa dingin AC doang) dan ambil bagasi. Duuuhh airportnya keren bangettt. Bersih dan modern lagi trendy. Ke tempat ambil bagasinya aja yahh kita naik semacam kereta subway gituu.. tapi cuma satu gerbong yang dateng after every 5 minutes.
Oke setelah cek2 imigrasi (FYI, petugas imigrasinya aje mukenye mulussss boooooo :p) dan melalui pintu pengecekan flu H1N1 (ada thermal kameranya gituu, jadi gw yang waktu itu agak2 flu sempet ngeri juga jadinya gw jalannya pas ngelewatin kamera itu nempel2 ama temen gw yang suhu badannya normal biar kealingan kameranya hahaha dan cukup ampuh kayanya), kita pun ke tempat ambil bagasi. Tempat ambil bagasinya luaaass banget dan sepiii.. cuma ada rombongan kita doang.. agak aneh.
Oke setelah ambil bagasi masing2, kita pun menuju bus.. Kalo liat dari jendela airport yang besar2 itu, cuaca cukup cerah sihh dengan matahari mentereng jadi kita semua agak2 belagu "sedingin apa sihhh? cobaaa mau tauu gueee" haha. jadi gw juga cuma pake coat doang blom pake glove ama syal ama topi.
Begitu gw melangkahkan kaki keluar dari airport..
Singkat cerita sampailah gw di bandara, setelah briefing dengan tour leader lokal, dan menunggu satu setengah jam (!) ahirnya berangkat jugaaa.. perjalanan 6 jam pun gw habiskan dengan.... tidur. dan nonton film korea di pesawat hehehe tetep loh.
DAY 1 in KOREA - Nami Island and Ski Resort
Ahirnyaaaaa sampai juga kita diii KOREA!!! yeaaayyyyyy. walopun kuping budek akibat perjalanan 6 jam itu tp tetap happy.
Perbedaan waktunya sama Jakarta kurang lebih dua jam lebih cepet. Kita sampe around 9 pm waktu Korea Selatan.
Setelah turun pesawat, kita semua ke toilet untuk ganti baju (walopun masih berasa dingin AC doang) dan ambil bagasi. Duuuhh airportnya keren bangettt. Bersih dan modern lagi trendy. Ke tempat ambil bagasinya aja yahh kita naik semacam kereta subway gituu.. tapi cuma satu gerbong yang dateng after every 5 minutes.
Oke setelah cek2 imigrasi (FYI, petugas imigrasinya aje mukenye mulussss boooooo :p) dan melalui pintu pengecekan flu H1N1 (ada thermal kameranya gituu, jadi gw yang waktu itu agak2 flu sempet ngeri juga jadinya gw jalannya pas ngelewatin kamera itu nempel2 ama temen gw yang suhu badannya normal biar kealingan kameranya hahaha dan cukup ampuh kayanya), kita pun ke tempat ambil bagasi. Tempat ambil bagasinya luaaass banget dan sepiii.. cuma ada rombongan kita doang.. agak aneh.
Oke setelah ambil bagasi masing2, kita pun menuju bus.. Kalo liat dari jendela airport yang besar2 itu, cuaca cukup cerah sihh dengan matahari mentereng jadi kita semua agak2 belagu "sedingin apa sihhh? cobaaa mau tauu gueee" haha. jadi gw juga cuma pake coat doang blom pake glove ama syal ama topi.
Begitu gw melangkahkan kaki keluar dari airport..
wussssssssssssssssss... DINGIN BANGET.
Kayak ada giant AC diluar yang nyala 24 jam dan anginnya berhembus ke muka gw. hyah. Langsung deh peralatan perang dipake.
Abis ituu kita menuju ke bis masing2 dan off toooo.. NAMI ISLAND untuk jalan2 dan makan siang. (iye tempat syuting Winter Sonata yang kayanya menu wajib setiap tour ke KOREA).
Di bus kita dikenalin sama tour leader Korea-nya. Di bus gw namanya Lee Ni (or Lini, apalah pokoknya sounds like that), bahasa indonesianya lancar bangett karena dia pernah kuliah di UI satu semester hehe. Orangnya lucu dan cukup informatif (walopun agak galak sedikit ternyata :p)
Setelah perjalanan kurang lebih 1.5 jam, sampailah kita diii NAMI ISLAND. here is the of me and Riffa my room mate at the gate.. dengan gaya "Saranghaeee".. hehehe
Matahari emang bersinar cerah sodara2, tapi dinginnya sama ajaaaaa. Trus dengan gobloknya gw ke toilet dan pas cuci tangan pake air dingin yang berasa kaya air es >.< style="font-weight: bold;">Yeayy my first food in Korea!
Kita makan BBQ (tetep yah agak bule) dengan sayur mayur dan kimchiii. This is my first kimchi so gw pun sangat semangat mencoba dan ternyata rasanyaaa.... gak enak. Kimchi itu bisa dimasak macem2 kan yah, nah pas ini dibikin agak pedes asem gitu.. (di foto ini yang di mangkok coklat warnanya agak orang2 gitu) yah intinya agak kurang cocok di lidah awak. Jadi gw hanya makan daging BBQnya yang astaga ENAK BGTTT.. dengan nasi korea (well buat gw rasanya sih beda ya ama nasi di Indo hahah) dann sumpit logam seperti di film2.. norak yah gw.. hihi.
Kelar makan kita dikasi waktu bebas untuk muter2 Nami Island and foto2 sekitar satu jam. Kelar foto2 dengan berbagai pose dan background, kitapun balik nyebrang ferry lagi menuju bus.. Here are some of the pics from Nami Island. *Banyak orang pacaran ya boo.. sialan.

picture courtesy of: Canti
Picture courtesy of ... "lupa. hehe maap*
Thenn.. off tooooo SKI RESORT. Woohoooo.
tapi sebelum itu kita mampir dulu di tempat penyewaan baju ski. Okeh, di tempat penyewaan baju ski ini ada sedikit kelucuan. Begitu masuk tokonya, biasa kan kepribadian kiasu (please google for the explanation of the word haha) dan grasakan org Endonesah-nya keluar, apalagi cewe2 begitu liat baju2 ski pada digantung2 langsung gahar mau milih2 donggg... EITSSSS. langsung lohh si mas2 korea penjaga toko menghalau sambil ngomong ngedumel apa gitu dgn bahasa setempat, trus langsung kita disuruh baris (dengan bahasa tarzan tentunya) daannn.. satu per satu dia yang milihin loh bajunya... hahaha.
Kelar nyewa baju ski, kita pun langsung menuju Phoenix Ski Resort untuk check-in di kamar masing-masing daaann lanjut main ski (yaaa eyyaaalaahh masa jauh2 ke ski resort main gaple).
Begitu masuk ke kamarnyaaa.. huaaaa KOREA BANGEEETTT.. gue suash ya menjelaskan definisi dari korea banget itu kaya apa, tapi yang jelas begitu lo masuk lo akan seperti berasa di apartemen yang suka lo liat di film2 korea. Meskipun ga mewah tapi justru ituu, yang bikin berasa seperti orang Korea sehari2 (aduh gw ngomong apa sih). LOVEEE IT.
As i've mentioned before, di kota-nya kan lagi dingin banget yaa.. nah ini di pegunungan. Minus berapa derajat gitu, nah lo bayangin aja dah sendiri dinginnnya kaya apa. Jadi di dalem baju ski itu, gue pake 3 lapis baju bow. Pertama kaos biasa, terus pake thermal, terus pake sweater baru baju ski-nya. Bawahannya sih cuma pake legging yang anget terus celana skinya deh yang muat satu galon Aqua gue rasa saking gombrongnya. Oke kebayang kan lo gue udah kaya kebo hamil. Jadi harap maklum ya kalo foto2nya ga ada yang kece pas pake dress code ski itu, hehehehe...
Dengan baju ski yang sangat fahsionable itu, kita pun kumpul di hall-nya untuk makan malam dan ada welcoming dance dan kesenian alat musik khas korea.. yeayy.. it's beautiful :)

Now off to tempat skinya yang tinggal jalan kaki dikit dari resort itu. First thing to do adalah ke tempat penyewaan alat-alat ski. Tempatnya kayak mol kecil gitu bentuknya, isinya ada mini market dan tempat2 makan sama ya tempat sewa alat ski-nya. Sebenernya mata acara ski ini lo boleh milih mau ikut apa ngga. Kalo ngga, lo bisa cuma foto2 doang di salju (ngerti banget ya mereka ini kalo objektif utama orang2 udik ini adalah FOTO FOTO DI SALJU) without having to hassle dengan alat-alat ski and everything. Why i say hassle with alat-alat ski? karena ...
Kelar nyewa baju ski, kita pun langsung menuju Phoenix Ski Resort untuk check-in di kamar masing-masing daaann lanjut main ski (yaaa eyyaaalaahh masa jauh2 ke ski resort main gaple).
Begitu masuk ke kamarnyaaa.. huaaaa KOREA BANGEEETTT.. gue suash ya menjelaskan definisi dari korea banget itu kaya apa, tapi yang jelas begitu lo masuk lo akan seperti berasa di apartemen yang suka lo liat di film2 korea. Meskipun ga mewah tapi justru ituu, yang bikin berasa seperti orang Korea sehari2 (aduh gw ngomong apa sih). LOVEEE IT.
As i've mentioned before, di kota-nya kan lagi dingin banget yaa.. nah ini di pegunungan. Minus berapa derajat gitu, nah lo bayangin aja dah sendiri dinginnnya kaya apa. Jadi di dalem baju ski itu, gue pake 3 lapis baju bow. Pertama kaos biasa, terus pake thermal, terus pake sweater baru baju ski-nya. Bawahannya sih cuma pake legging yang anget terus celana skinya deh yang muat satu galon Aqua gue rasa saking gombrongnya. Oke kebayang kan lo gue udah kaya kebo hamil. Jadi harap maklum ya kalo foto2nya ga ada yang kece pas pake dress code ski itu, hehehehe...
Dengan baju ski yang sangat fahsionable itu, kita pun kumpul di hall-nya untuk makan malam dan ada welcoming dance dan kesenian alat musik khas korea.. yeayy.. it's beautiful :)
Now off to tempat skinya yang tinggal jalan kaki dikit dari resort itu. First thing to do adalah ke tempat penyewaan alat-alat ski. Tempatnya kayak mol kecil gitu bentuknya, isinya ada mini market dan tempat2 makan sama ya tempat sewa alat ski-nya. Sebenernya mata acara ski ini lo boleh milih mau ikut apa ngga. Kalo ngga, lo bisa cuma foto2 doang di salju (ngerti banget ya mereka ini kalo objektif utama orang2 udik ini adalah FOTO FOTO DI SALJU) without having to hassle dengan alat-alat ski and everything. Why i say hassle with alat-alat ski? karena ...
dan itu baru gw ketahui setelah gw menyewa dan merasakan sendiri. Anjiang berat banget dan papan ski nya yang panjang itu make it even worse.
iya itu papan ski-nya sepanjang itu plus tongkatnya. dan sepatu. satu kata: REMPONG.
To make it even more dramatic, tempat penyewaan baju ski-nya itu ada di bawah, pintu keluar menuju lembah ski-nya itu ada di atas. Jadi kita kudu naik eskalator dulu DENGAN MEMAKAI SEPATU SKI SAMBIL MEMBAWA PAPAN SKI ITU DENGAN KOSTUM SKI YANG GEMBUNG. dan yang namanya eskalator a.k.a tangga berjalan itu kan ribbeett yaa neeekk naiknya kalo pake sepatu ski sambil bawa2 papan sepanjang galah plus tongkat skinya yang beratnya bukan main. yyuuukkk..
gila yaa.. kalo di Indonesia kebayang deh pasti udah ada calo-calo kuli angkut yang nawarin ngebawain papan ski kita hahaha. Sementara disini masing-masing aja cyyiiinnn.. Dan dengan tidak adilnya, orang-orang setempat yang juga pada bawa papan ski terlihat santai aja tuuhh ga ada beban dan tetap terlihat keren sementara gue udah kaya yeti kampung ga bisa naik eskalator.
Setelah perjuangan selama hampir setengah jam (lebay sih guee heheh) jalan dari tempat sewa alat ski sampai juga ahirnya gue di lembah skinyaaa horeeee.... dan dengan perjuangan berat itu, tebak gw main ski berapa lama?
dan itu baru gw ketahui setelah gw menyewa dan merasakan sendiri. Anjiang berat banget dan papan ski nya yang panjang itu make it even worse.
To make it even more dramatic, tempat penyewaan baju ski-nya itu ada di bawah, pintu keluar menuju lembah ski-nya itu ada di atas. Jadi kita kudu naik eskalator dulu DENGAN MEMAKAI SEPATU SKI SAMBIL MEMBAWA PAPAN SKI ITU DENGAN KOSTUM SKI YANG GEMBUNG. dan yang namanya eskalator a.k.a tangga berjalan itu kan ribbeett yaa neeekk naiknya kalo pake sepatu ski sambil bawa2 papan sepanjang galah plus tongkat skinya yang beratnya bukan main. yyuuukkk..
gila yaa.. kalo di Indonesia kebayang deh pasti udah ada calo-calo kuli angkut yang nawarin ngebawain papan ski kita hahaha. Sementara disini masing-masing aja cyyiiinnn.. Dan dengan tidak adilnya, orang-orang setempat yang juga pada bawa papan ski terlihat santai aja tuuhh ga ada beban dan tetap terlihat keren sementara gue udah kaya yeti kampung ga bisa naik eskalator.
Setelah perjuangan selama hampir setengah jam (lebay sih guee heheh) jalan dari tempat sewa alat ski sampai juga ahirnya gue di lembah skinyaaa horeeee.... dan dengan perjuangan berat itu, tebak gw main ski berapa lama?
gue capeeeee. hahaha.
Jadilah begitu sampe gue cuma nyobain seluncuran doang sekali dua kali, jatoh, terus foto2.. udah. hehehehe.. Daaannn kembali menghadapi perjuangan yang sama mengembalikan alat-alat ski itu. hadeeeeeeeehhh..
Setelah ngebalikin semua alat-alatnya, gue dan rekan2 lainnya mau hiburan yang lebih cemen aja ah, yang ga require physical activity (bahaya untuk orang yang ga pernah olah raga kaya gue haha) yaituu naik gondola ke puncak lembah ski-nya. Jadi kita naik kayak kereta gantungnya gitu ke puncak. Jadi lembah ski-nya itu bertingkat2 gitu kaann.. yang paling bawah itu ya buat orang-orang cemen macam kita2 ini. Makin ke atas makin orang2 yang udah pro yang pada seluncuran dari atas.. Hiii gue ngeliatnya aja udah serem >.< style="text-align: center;">
here is me and Amie my boss di dalem Gondola menuju hill top
With my bosses and account support. beginilah penampilan team gw dengan baju gembung. Udah ga ada trendy2nya dehh.
Dari foto ini berasa betapa dinginnya kaann.
Kelar dengan kegiatan outdoorsy ini, kita pun balik ke resort. Itu kira-kira udah jam 9 malem. Sampe kamar, gue berendem air anget (BEST MANDI EVER setelah seharian di dalam kulkas :P), ganti baju, and off to kamar lain for a movie-trivia and drinking night sampe jam 1 pagi (gue cuma minum wine koookk hehe) . Seruuuu.. Loving my first night in Korea :)
will present you:
Sepatu anyep dan "Silakan cek toko sebelah"
coming soon!
gue capeeeee. hahaha.
Jadilah begitu sampe gue cuma nyobain seluncuran doang sekali dua kali, jatoh, terus foto2.. udah. hehehehe.. Daaannn kembali menghadapi perjuangan yang sama mengembalikan alat-alat ski itu. hadeeeeeeeehhh..
Setelah ngebalikin semua alat-alatnya, gue dan rekan2 lainnya mau hiburan yang lebih cemen aja ah, yang ga require physical activity (bahaya untuk orang yang ga pernah olah raga kaya gue haha) yaituu naik gondola ke puncak lembah ski-nya. Jadi kita naik kayak kereta gantungnya gitu ke puncak. Jadi lembah ski-nya itu bertingkat2 gitu kaann.. yang paling bawah itu ya buat orang-orang cemen macam kita2 ini. Makin ke atas makin orang2 yang udah pro yang pada seluncuran dari atas.. Hiii gue ngeliatnya aja udah serem >.< style="text-align: center;">
Dari foto ini berasa betapa dinginnya kaann.
Kelar dengan kegiatan outdoorsy ini, kita pun balik ke resort. Itu kira-kira udah jam 9 malem. Sampe kamar, gue berendem air anget (BEST MANDI EVER setelah seharian di dalam kulkas :P), ganti baju, and off to kamar lain for a movie-trivia and drinking night sampe jam 1 pagi (gue cuma minum wine koookk hehe) . Seruuuu.. Loving my first night in Korea :)
will present you:
Sepatu anyep dan "Silakan cek toko sebelah"
coming soon!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
and by friends, i mean all of my friends. elementary school friends, junior high school friends, high school friends, childhood friends, stranger friends, blogging friends, YM friends, college friends, all my effing friends.
This working-to-the-bones-and-soul thingy makes me go nutssssssssssss!!!
well there is nothing worse right now then to question:
am i destined t o do what i am doing right now? or is this what i really want to do? shit. that does not sound good.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tumben nih Maliq n d'essentials
Bacanya harus sambil denger lagunya ya.. [silakan cari disini lagunya]
kalo ngga bakalan berasa aga jijay hhehehehe..
coba coba katakan kepadaku bahwa kita sedang berjalan menuju satu alasan
janganlah kau katakan bila kita memang tak ada tujuan dari apa yang dijalankan
aku tak ingin terus terdiam memandangi harapan
terlena akan manis cinta dan berujung kecewa
aku tak ingin terus menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti
lebih baik kita menangis dan terluka hari ini
coba coba katakan kepadaku sekali lagi bila kita memang benar akan ke sana
buktikan dan buatlah kupercaya bahwa kita bisa berujungkan bahagia
habis sudah semua rangkai kata
tlah terungkap semua yang kurasa
yang kuinginkan akhir yang bahagia
yang kuinginkan satu tujuan
sebuah kenyataan
bukan impian
bukan harapan
bukan alasan
satu kepastian
coba katakan
kalo ngga bakalan berasa aga jijay hhehehehe..
coba coba katakan kepadaku bahwa kita sedang berjalan menuju satu alasan
janganlah kau katakan bila kita memang tak ada tujuan dari apa yang dijalankan
aku tak ingin terus terdiam memandangi harapan
terlena akan manis cinta dan berujung kecewa
aku tak ingin terus menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti
lebih baik kita menangis dan terluka hari ini
coba coba katakan kepadaku sekali lagi bila kita memang benar akan ke sana
buktikan dan buatlah kupercaya bahwa kita bisa berujungkan bahagia
habis sudah semua rangkai kata
tlah terungkap semua yang kurasa
yang kuinginkan akhir yang bahagia
yang kuinginkan satu tujuan
sebuah kenyataan
bukan impian
bukan harapan
bukan alasan
satu kepastian
coba katakan
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
pardon my latest Asian craze
i'm sorry i'm so ABG, tacky and everything, whatever,
Bahkan gw sampe ngimpi2 itu film ada terusannya.. oh betapa jijaynya aku.. maafkan aku teman2..
so here goes.. Kekasih hatikuuu.. Min Ho Oppaa.. Saranghaeeeeeeee (see, udah keburu geli duluan kan lo semua hahaha]






but I just can't help it peopleeee..
setelah 3 hari gw marathon menonton Boys Before Flowers, terjadi juga lah kegilaan ini..
setelah 3 hari gw marathon menonton Boys Before Flowers, terjadi juga lah kegilaan ini..
Bahkan gw sampe ngimpi2 itu film ada terusannya.. oh betapa jijaynya aku.. maafkan aku teman2..
so here goes.. Kekasih hatikuuu.. Min Ho Oppaa.. Saranghaeeeeeeee (see, udah keburu geli duluan kan lo semua hahaha]




God, did he carry around the airbrushing and retouching team everywhere or what, cos he always looks great.
(apa cuma gw doang ya? hehehee)
dannn ini adalah scene favorit gw dari serial ini...

and this one..
Pas Jan Di lagi jualan di pinggir jalan, terus tanpa mempedulikan emaknya yang nenek sihir, Jun Pyo turun dari mobil, lari nyamperin si Jan Di dan ciuman lah mereka di tengah mobil2 lalu lalang.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww..

lagi kangen masa2 muda dulu. norak abis. haha
Joanna Wang
Good morning, yesterday
You wake up and time has slipped away
And suddenly it's hard to find
The memories you left behind
Remember, do you remember
The laughter and the tears
The shadows of misty yesteryears
The good times and the bad you've seen
And all the others in between
Remember, do you remember
The times of your life
Reach back for the joy and the sorrow
Put them away in your mind
The memories are time that you borrow
To spend when you get to tomorrow
Here comes the saddest part
The seasons are passing one by one
So gather moments while you may
Collect the dreams you dream today
Remember, will you remember
The times of your life
I really miss those 'yesteryears'.
kangen temen temennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Good morning, yesterday
You wake up and time has slipped away
And suddenly it's hard to find
The memories you left behind
Remember, do you remember
The laughter and the tears
The shadows of misty yesteryears
The good times and the bad you've seen
And all the others in between
Remember, do you remember
The times of your life
Reach back for the joy and the sorrow
Put them away in your mind
The memories are time that you borrow
To spend when you get to tomorrow
Here comes the saddest part
The seasons are passing one by one
So gather moments while you may
Collect the dreams you dream today
Remember, will you remember
The times of your life
I really miss those 'yesteryears'.
kangen temen temennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
what did you just say on the text you sent last night?
"mulai besok aku udah ga banyak kerjaan kok blablabla"
trus?? lo pikirrrrrr, karna lo udah ga ada kerjaan gw juga ga ada kerjaan??????
Lo tau sendiri jarang2 yaa gw bisa pulang jam setengah 7 (no kidding people. at last, bisa juga gw pulang layaknya manusia normal) kaya kemarennn...
and that was indeed your last chance. karna guess what, gw terima email2 nista yang will likely membuat hidup gw kembali sengsara.
"mulai besok aku udah ga banyak kerjaan kok blablabla"
trus?? lo pikirrrrrr, karna lo udah ga ada kerjaan gw juga ga ada kerjaan??????
Lo tau sendiri jarang2 yaa gw bisa pulang jam setengah 7 (no kidding people. at last, bisa juga gw pulang layaknya manusia normal) kaya kemarennn...
and that was indeed your last chance. karna guess what, gw terima email2 nista yang will likely membuat hidup gw kembali sengsara.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
just because i can not sleep.
it's 5. 30 and i'm already sitting on my desk. in my office. YES. OFFICE, dearest readers.
what the heck am i doing di kantor pagi2 buta beginiiiii? sejak kapan advertising agency masuk jam 5.30 pagi???
heyyy.. hari ini saya ada market visit ke pasar.. jangan sedih cinnn, pasarnya di Tangerang.. kumpul jam 6. 30 di kantor tapi seperti biasa gw kepagian [mengukuhkan gw sebagai banci on-time].
so, i was planning to sleep di musholla.. ternyata Stanley sudah mengambil alih.. ga jadi deh.. lagian gw gak bisa tidur... di mobil aja tadi gw ngga tidur.. kepala sih berat yaa ngantuk2 gitu, tapi entah kenapa gak bisa tidur...
so, while i'm waiting for them to pick me up.. lets make this post about anything that i feel like writing, so be prepared for non-thematic post guysss. hehehe.
and here are some pics from 17an at my office..
of course gw yang lagi hormat ga jelas itu..
And this is the team! clients, talent, and agency team.. loveeeee my teammmm *.* of course drama dimana2 yaa boo kalau dalam pekerjaan but still, i love working with them..

Eh ada deng tema-nya postingan ini.. temanya dunia pekerjaan gw ya sepertinya hehehehe..
Aduhh sakit perut tadi subuh2 sarapan rendang...
Friday, July 10, 2009
So for those of you who wonder [like there are any, haha], currently i'm working as an Account Executive for this particular shampoo brand, in this particular multifrikkinnational advertising agency.
Baru sebulan [tanggal 12 besok gw monthversary 2 bulanan dengan kantor gw ini.. *.*] gw senang banyak ketemu orang baru, dan of course learn new things. There are days when i made mistakes , stumbled here and there, merasa bodoh karena semuaaa orang disini pinter dan kerjanya cepet. But hey kata Alanis Morisette kan you live, you learn. Well i hope i can catch up soon.
But that's not what i want to tell you in this post.
Those were all the silver lining, what i meant to tell you adalah..
Jadi karena dua minggu ini kita menggeber photosession [cover, fashion spread endebrey endebrey] di 13 majalah [yes tigabelas. don't ask me kenapa bisa cuma 2 minggu], yang mana minggu ini juga bersamaan dengan jadwal photosession untuk print ad dan syuting TVC [!] makanya gw ama supervisor gw kalang kabut bagi2 kerjaan.
Jadilah begini keseharian gw tiap hari this week..
mengejar matahari banget ga sih gueee..
Tapii ya itu tadi, behind every cloud there's a silver lining.
Lagian gw merasa memamg gw harus melalui tahap2 ini, kalo ngga gw ga akan belajar mandiri dan selalu tergantung ama supervisor gw.
Lumayanlah gw skrg udah bisa ditinggal ngurus2 printilan sendiri.. supervisi fotosession sendiri, dan hasilnya mostly bagus.. hehehe [walopun ada this one particular magazine yang hasil fotonya KAMPRING ga sesuai dengan kesombongan orang2nya.. itu lohh initial BZ.. hahaha :P]
Jangan sedih cin,
Gw nulis ini Sabtu, di kantor, nungguin FAW abis itu cabs ke lokasi syuting TVC di pulogadung.
Baru sebulan [tanggal 12 besok gw monthversary 2 bulanan dengan kantor gw ini.. *.*] gw senang banyak ketemu orang baru, dan of course learn new things. There are days when i made mistakes , stumbled here and there, merasa bodoh karena semuaaa orang disini pinter dan kerjanya cepet. But hey kata Alanis Morisette kan you live, you learn. Well i hope i can catch up soon.
But that's not what i want to tell you in this post.
Those were all the silver lining, what i meant to tell you adalah..
Jadi karena dua minggu ini kita menggeber photosession [cover, fashion spread endebrey endebrey] di 13 majalah [yes tigabelas. don't ask me kenapa bisa cuma 2 minggu], yang mana minggu ini juga bersamaan dengan jadwal photosession untuk print ad dan syuting TVC [!] makanya gw ama supervisor gw kalang kabut bagi2 kerjaan.
Jadilah begini keseharian gw tiap hari this week..
- dateng ke kantor pagi jam 9
- follow up kerjaan [FAW, Feedback2in majalah, printilan2 request dr client, etc]
- jam 1an cabs ke lokasi foto
- jam 9 atau 10 malem sampe kantor lagi dan meneruskan pekerjaan2 yang mesti di follow up
- Jam 12 atau jam 1 pagi pulang ke cibubur.
- Pagi jam 6 bangun dannn ke kantor lagi...
mengejar matahari banget ga sih gueee..
Tapii ya itu tadi, behind every cloud there's a silver lining.
Lagian gw merasa memamg gw harus melalui tahap2 ini, kalo ngga gw ga akan belajar mandiri dan selalu tergantung ama supervisor gw.
Lumayanlah gw skrg udah bisa ditinggal ngurus2 printilan sendiri.. supervisi fotosession sendiri, dan hasilnya mostly bagus.. hehehe [walopun ada this one particular magazine yang hasil fotonya KAMPRING ga sesuai dengan kesombongan orang2nya.. itu lohh initial BZ.. hahaha :P]
Jangan sedih cin,
Gw nulis ini Sabtu, di kantor, nungguin FAW abis itu cabs ke lokasi syuting TVC di pulogadung.
Monday, June 29, 2009
So Alive.
i've always liked this song. without realizing that i never even had the song on my computaa. so here i go this morning, asking people where i can download the song since 4shared thingy is not working for this song.
Well, while i am crossing my fingers, here's the lyric.
The title, and the words and the lyrics are just a great great combination. perffeecctt. the song gives you a kind of feeling of freedom and love and joy and excitement and everything in between. One cool junkie isn't he? :D
Ryan Adams- So Alive
Today I watched the boats
Moving through the harbor
Walking on water
In your arms I'd stay
Forever if I could
Forever if I may
Keep me in your thoughts, don't disappearI
am on your side
And so alive
So alive , it isn't real
If this is how I feel
Then nothing now is true
And nothing now can ever be taken away from you
Sinking in the past
The things that shouldn't last
Just put to bed and stand beside me
Stand beside me
Always on your side
I'm on your side
And so alive it isn't real
I am on your side
And so alive
And so alive
And so alive
I am on your side
I am on your side
I am on your side
And so alive
i will post his picture later.
Or, you guys can google it yourselves. hehe
Well, while i am crossing my fingers, here's the lyric.
The title, and the words and the lyrics are just a great great combination. perffeecctt. the song gives you a kind of feeling of freedom and love and joy and excitement and everything in between. One cool junkie isn't he? :D
Ryan Adams- So Alive
Today I watched the boats
Moving through the harbor
Walking on water
In your arms I'd stay
Forever if I could
Forever if I may
Keep me in your thoughts, don't disappearI
am on your side
And so alive
So alive , it isn't real
If this is how I feel
Then nothing now is true
And nothing now can ever be taken away from you
Sinking in the past
The things that shouldn't last
Just put to bed and stand beside me
Stand beside me
Always on your side
I'm on your side
And so alive it isn't real
I am on your side
And so alive
And so alive
And so alive
I am on your side
I am on your side
I am on your side
And so alive
i will post his picture later.
Or, you guys can google it yourselves. hehe
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I know we're cool
It's hard to remember how it felt before
Now I found the love of my life...
Passes things get more comfortable
Everything is going right
And after all the obstacles
It's good to see you now with someone else
And it's such a miracle that you and me are still good friends
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
We used to think it was impossible
Now you call me by my new last name
Memories seem like so long ago
Time always kills the pain
Remember Harbor Boulevard
The dreaming days where the mess was made
Look how all the kids have grown
We have changed but we're still the same
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
And I'll be happy for you
If you can be happy for me
Circles and triangles,
and now we're hangin' out with your new girlfriend
So far from where we've been
I know we're cool
Congratulations. Sincerely (:
Now I found the love of my life...
Passes things get more comfortable
Everything is going right
And after all the obstacles
It's good to see you now with someone else
And it's such a miracle that you and me are still good friends
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
We used to think it was impossible
Now you call me by my new last name
Memories seem like so long ago
Time always kills the pain
Remember Harbor Boulevard
The dreaming days where the mess was made
Look how all the kids have grown
We have changed but we're still the same
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
And I'll be happy for you
If you can be happy for me
Circles and triangles,
and now we're hangin' out with your new girlfriend
So far from where we've been
I know we're cool
Congratulations. Sincerely (:
Monday, June 22, 2009
from the cradle to the grave
You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
You say you want
Your story to remain untold
But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you
You say you'll give me
A highway with no one on it
Treasure just to look upon it
All the riches in the night
You say you'll give me
Eyes in a moon of blindness
A river in a time of dryness
A harbour in the tempest
But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you
You say you want
Your love to work out right
To last with me through the night
You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
Your story to remain untold
Your love not to grow cold
All the promises we break
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you
Mind you, I'm on U2 mode again.
Wondering will they ever come to Jakarta
will i ever get the chance to watch them playing live before i dieeeeee
Diamonds on a ring of gold
You say you want
Your story to remain untold
But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you
You say you'll give me
A highway with no one on it
Treasure just to look upon it
All the riches in the night
You say you'll give me
Eyes in a moon of blindness
A river in a time of dryness
A harbour in the tempest
But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you
You say you want
Your love to work out right
To last with me through the night
You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
Your story to remain untold
Your love not to grow cold
All the promises we break
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you
Mind you, I'm on U2 mode again.
Wondering will they ever come to Jakarta
will i ever get the chance to watch them playing live before i dieeeeee
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Come closer
Come closer
Come closer to me now
Can’t wait any longer
Come closer to me now
Ah hoo what you do to me
Ah hoo what you do to me
I can feel you in the air
When it’s like you’re everywhere
And the world can disappear
Just as long as you are near
Your smile is my whole world
Come closer to me now
I’ve waited forever
Come closer to me now
Ah hoo what you do to me
Ah hoo what you do to me
Now you got me in your spellIt’s the best I’ve ever felt
Feel you breathing in my soul'
Cause I know you’re heaven sent
Take over my senses
Come closer to me now
I’ve got no defenses
Come closer to me now
Ah hoo what you do to me
Ah hoo what you do to me
tau iklan Close-up yang versi bubble [udah aga lama sih..]? ini lagu backsoundnya. it's by Rico Blanco ex-vocalist of Rivermaya.
I really like the song. Somebody please find me the song. please please please please.
n.b: it's funny how i managed to write this post in the middle of this madness at work. ggaaahhh
Come closer
Come closer to me now
Can’t wait any longer
Come closer to me now
Ah hoo what you do to me
Ah hoo what you do to me
I can feel you in the air
When it’s like you’re everywhere
And the world can disappear
Just as long as you are near
Your smile is my whole world
Come closer to me now
I’ve waited forever
Come closer to me now
Ah hoo what you do to me
Ah hoo what you do to me
Now you got me in your spellIt’s the best I’ve ever felt
Feel you breathing in my soul'
Cause I know you’re heaven sent
Take over my senses
Come closer to me now
I’ve got no defenses
Come closer to me now
Ah hoo what you do to me
Ah hoo what you do to me
tau iklan Close-up yang versi bubble [udah aga lama sih..]? ini lagu backsoundnya. it's by Rico Blanco ex-vocalist of Rivermaya.
I really like the song. Somebody please find me the song. please please please please.
n.b: it's funny how i managed to write this post in the middle of this madness at work. ggaaahhh
Monday, June 8, 2009
Jai guru deva om
(No need to write who's the actual author, kan? this song remains one of the most beautiful song ever, no matter who sings it)
Words are flying out like endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass
They slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting thorough my open mind
Possessing and caressing me
Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes
That call me on and on across the universe
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box
they tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe
Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Sounds of laughter shades of life are ringing
through my open ears exciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns
It calls me on and on across the universe
Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Jai guru deva
Jai guru deva
This song is very hypnotizing, dont you think?
espescially in one cloudy morning.
and for those of you who wonders..
Jai Guru Deva Om doesnt mean 'nothing's gonna change my world' [siapa jugaa yang mikir gitu ya haha]. It means something like I give thanks to God or Victory to God or something like that. It's some kind of Sanskrit language or prayer, i guess. well, feel free to sue me if i'm wrong haha ;p
Words are flying out like endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass
They slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting thorough my open mind
Possessing and caressing me
Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes
That call me on and on across the universe
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box
they tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe
Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Sounds of laughter shades of life are ringing
through my open ears exciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns
It calls me on and on across the universe
Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Jai guru deva
Jai guru deva
This song is very hypnotizing, dont you think?
espescially in one cloudy morning.
and for those of you who wonders..
Jai Guru Deva Om doesnt mean 'nothing's gonna change my world' [siapa jugaa yang mikir gitu ya haha]. It means something like I give thanks to God or Victory to God or something like that. It's some kind of Sanskrit language or prayer, i guess. well, feel free to sue me if i'm wrong haha ;p
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
As an advertising-enthusiast i often heard and read about this multinational agency and their works mentioned in magazines, blogs, reviews, even in my school textbooks. This is one of the agencies that i've heard of since highschool maybe. [yes even way back when i didnt even understand what they do actually]
I often passed by the building when i was about to go somewhere, I saw their cube neonbox a hundred times [lebay, yes].
The chance to actually stepped into the building came to me when i had to submit a proposal for my school activity. After a few emails, i made an appointment with the CEO at that time, who happened to be friend of my sister's friend [or something like that] to discuss what the activity should be like.
Well, my faculty student commitee cancelled the activity in the end. hehe. so no further contacts whatsoever after that. That former CEO even now has gone working somewhere else.
But I still remember the wooden floor, the glass doors, the old elevators, the Warhol paintings on the wall, The '7 principles' engraved in a glass wall that i read over and over while waiting.
Who would've thought
that 2 years later, i would be working there
I often passed by the building when i was about to go somewhere, I saw their cube neonbox a hundred times [lebay, yes].
The chance to actually stepped into the building came to me when i had to submit a proposal for my school activity. After a few emails, i made an appointment with the CEO at that time, who happened to be friend of my sister's friend [or something like that] to discuss what the activity should be like.
Well, my faculty student commitee cancelled the activity in the end. hehe. so no further contacts whatsoever after that. That former CEO even now has gone working somewhere else.
But I still remember the wooden floor, the glass doors, the old elevators, the Warhol paintings on the wall, The '7 principles' engraved in a glass wall that i read over and over while waiting.
Who would've thought
that 2 years later, i would be working there
Monday, May 25, 2009
i never remembered my dreams.
this girl ran to the other girl across the street in the middle of the rain.
she grabbed her hands and said,
i came here from the future to tell you that he always wanted to say that he liked you back.
how do you know? asked the other girl.
He told me before he died. So dont worry now that you know how he feels about you. Said the girl from the future. the other girl burst into tears in the middle of the rain.
i never remembered my dreams.
so that's the best i can do. Dont remember the rest of it.
What i also remember was i felt like crying the moment i woke up.
as if the girl in that dream was me
she grabbed her hands and said,
i came here from the future to tell you that he always wanted to say that he liked you back.
how do you know? asked the other girl.
He told me before he died. So dont worry now that you know how he feels about you. Said the girl from the future. the other girl burst into tears in the middle of the rain.
i never remembered my dreams.
so that's the best i can do. Dont remember the rest of it.
What i also remember was i felt like crying the moment i woke up.
as if the girl in that dream was me
Saturday, May 23, 2009
cerita Romeo and Juliet as told by The Killers

A lovestruck Romeo, sings the streets a serenade
Laying everybody low with a love song that he made
Finds a streetlight, steps out of the shade
Says something like, "You and me, babe, how about it?"
Juliet says, "Hey, it's Romeo, you nearly gave me a heart attack"
He's underneath the window,
she's singing "Hey, la, my boyfriend's back,
You shouldn't come around here, singing up people like that
Anyway, what you gonna do about it?"
Juliet, the dice was loaded from the start
And I bet, that you exploded in my heart
And I forget, I forget.. the movie song
When you gonna realize, it was just that the time was wrong, Juliet?
Come up on different streets, they both were streets of shame
Both dirty, both mean, yes and the dream was just the same
And I dream your dream for you and now your dream is real
How can you look at me, as if I was just another one of your deals?
Well, you can fall for chains of silver, you can fall for chains of gold
You can fall for pretty strangers and the promises they hold
You promised me everything, you promised me thick and thin, yeah
Now you just say, "Oh, Romeo, yeah, you knowI used to have a scene with him"
Juliet, when we made love, you used to cry
I said, "I love you like the stars above, I love you 'till I die"
And there's a place for us, you know the movie song
When you gonna realize, it was just that the time was wrong, Juliet?
I can't do the talk, like the talk on the TV
And I can't do a love song, like the way it's meant to be
I can't do everything, but I'd do anything for you
I can't do anything except be in love with you
And all I do is miss you and the way we used to be
All I do is keep the beat, and the bad company
And all I do is kiss you, through the bars of Orion
Juliet, I'd do the stars with you any time
Monday, May 11, 2009
Ini bagus nih.
Eh sebentar, mau cerita dulu.
Kemarin hari Minggu kan ceritanya mau merayakan hal tersebut ya. jadilah kita2 ini anak G4UL ingin mencoba sesuatu yang baru. Bukaaann bukan narkoba. Nyobain instant recording di WannaB, itu yang konon katanya [sakitnya karna di guna guunaa.. sehh -Mbah Dukun by Alam] tempatnya Afgan dulu suka nyanyi2 dan end up jadi artis skrg.
Singkat cerita, kita2 ini ber5 bosen kan karoke2 biasa, yah udah cobain deh disitu. Eh ternyata pas nyampe tempatnya, duh kok jadi berat ya kayaknya tantangan kali ini. hahaha. abis ya pas kita nyampe, lagi ada yg recording disalah satu ruangan dann suaranya oke, walopun lagunya katro [yang walopun katro kita ikutan juga salah satu playlist dia ini yaitu nyanyi Matta Band 'Ketauan' hahaha].
Aduh kok rasa hati jadi ciut ya. biasanya kalo di karoke milih lagu udah apa ajaa asal. sombong lah lagu2 apa semua juga hayo. Ehh begitu kmrn pas pilih2 lagu: "eh jangan yang itu deh, ga mampu gw". haha.
Yah udah pilih punya pilih, kita dengan pede ambil paket satu jam dengan 9 list lagu sbagai berikut (gue berani sumpah ini tidak sepenuhnya mencerminkan selera musik kami. don jaj de buk bay its kafer] :
1. Pernah Muda - BCL
2. Ketauan - Matta
3. Hot n Cold - Katy Perry
4. Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
5. Stop - Spice Girls
6. Dia - Maliq n d'essentials
7. Ten2 Five lupa judulnya -pas ini gw ke kamar mandi jd ga ikutan
8. Oh Baby - Cinta Laura
9. Dancing quenn
Daaannn asal tau ajaa pas recording ituu suara nya akan kedengeran ampe ruang tunggu. jadi satu WannaB denger suara kami2 ini. hahaha. Maaf ya para tamu dan staff WannaB, bukan maksud kami menyuguhkan hiburan yang nggak2.
Trus kan yah pas gw ke kamar mandi, ternyata di luar itu adaa Vidi Aldiano [ituu yg nyanyi Nuansa sayur Bening]. Pasti dia langsung bersyukur dalam hati kepada Tuhan YME dia masih dianugerahi suara emas.
Yah udah segitu aja. Pas CDnya jadi langsung didengerin di mobil dan ketawa2 sambil menajis2kan satu sama lain.
Tadi itu sebenernya mau majang ini di sini.
Kemarin hari Minggu kan ceritanya mau merayakan hal tersebut ya. jadilah kita2 ini anak G4UL ingin mencoba sesuatu yang baru. Bukaaann bukan narkoba. Nyobain instant recording di WannaB, itu yang konon katanya [sakitnya karna di guna guunaa.. sehh -Mbah Dukun by Alam] tempatnya Afgan dulu suka nyanyi2 dan end up jadi artis skrg.
Singkat cerita, kita2 ini ber5 bosen kan karoke2 biasa, yah udah cobain deh disitu. Eh ternyata pas nyampe tempatnya, duh kok jadi berat ya kayaknya tantangan kali ini. hahaha. abis ya pas kita nyampe, lagi ada yg recording disalah satu ruangan dann suaranya oke, walopun lagunya katro [yang walopun katro kita ikutan juga salah satu playlist dia ini yaitu nyanyi Matta Band 'Ketauan' hahaha].
Aduh kok rasa hati jadi ciut ya. biasanya kalo di karoke milih lagu udah apa ajaa asal. sombong lah lagu2 apa semua juga hayo. Ehh begitu kmrn pas pilih2 lagu: "eh jangan yang itu deh, ga mampu gw". haha.
Yah udah pilih punya pilih, kita dengan pede ambil paket satu jam dengan 9 list lagu sbagai berikut (gue berani sumpah ini tidak sepenuhnya mencerminkan selera musik kami. don jaj de buk bay its kafer] :
1. Pernah Muda - BCL
2. Ketauan - Matta
3. Hot n Cold - Katy Perry
4. Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
5. Stop - Spice Girls
6. Dia - Maliq n d'essentials
7. Ten2 Five lupa judulnya -pas ini gw ke kamar mandi jd ga ikutan
8. Oh Baby - Cinta Laura
9. Dancing quenn
Daaannn asal tau ajaa pas recording ituu suara nya akan kedengeran ampe ruang tunggu. jadi satu WannaB denger suara kami2 ini. hahaha. Maaf ya para tamu dan staff WannaB, bukan maksud kami menyuguhkan hiburan yang nggak2.
Trus kan yah pas gw ke kamar mandi, ternyata di luar itu adaa Vidi Aldiano [ituu yg nyanyi Nuansa sayur Bening]. Pasti dia langsung bersyukur dalam hati kepada Tuhan YME dia masih dianugerahi suara emas.
Yah udah segitu aja. Pas CDnya jadi langsung didengerin di mobil dan ketawa2 sambil menajis2kan satu sama lain.
Tadi itu sebenernya mau majang ini di sini.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Today's a diferent day
Agrikulture feat. Tika (or the other way around, i don't know :P)
Some say it's my fault
Some say it's yours (yeah I think it is)
You bitch but how the pain was hardcore
But please baby just let it go, kid
Your whiny day is done
Get off your ass
Another day is gone.
Today's a different day
Today's a new day
So I broke your heart
Sorry to say, you aint the only one
If you want a squeaky clean lady
Round here you aint gettin lucky
Without me you'd be scrubbing toilets
Wearing hairnet and washing skillets
If it wasnt for me
You wouldnt be here.
Your whiny day is done
Get off your ass
Another day is gone.
Some say it's my fault
Some say it's yours (yeah I think it is)
You bitch but how the pain was hardcore
But please baby just let it go, kid
Your whiny day is done
Get off your ass
Another day is gone.
Today's a different day
Today's a new day
So I broke your heart
Sorry to say, you aint the only one
If you want a squeaky clean lady
Round here you aint gettin lucky
Without me you'd be scrubbing toilets
Wearing hairnet and washing skillets
If it wasnt for me
You wouldnt be here.
Your whiny day is done
Get off your ass
Another day is gone.
n.b: nevermind the boringness. listen to what the newscaster said at the beginning of the video :D
Friday, May 8, 2009
I already done this, i know
But it's just so beautiful and meaningful that i want to do it again.
This one goes to anyone that just had a rough time, be it got your heart broken, a lousy job [hahaha], family issues, failure, anything. but now is ready to rise again and throw out those raincoats. Because the sun is shining.
Spesial untuk cintaku permatahatiku Basitha si lonte haha. Aku mencintaimu. Kita pasti bisa. New days aheadddddd. starting with my new job. heehee ;D
So here it is, Kelly Sweet's "Raincoat"
Raindrops bang like rocks
On my windowpane
I thought they'd never stop
Never see the sun again
And I've been sleeping in
For way too long
Mmm, wake up, enough's enough
Yeah, those days are gone
I'm gonna throw out my raincoat
Mmm, I hope it's all right
Gonna go find me a rainbow
And hang it up in the sky
Blues pass me by
You left me a wreck
Just like a rusty trombone
But some things, they just sting
Enough to move you along
I'm not gonna wait around
I'm throwin' this old thing out
I don't need those blues hanging around
This one goes to anyone that just had a rough time, be it got your heart broken, a lousy job [hahaha], family issues, failure, anything. but now is ready to rise again and throw out those raincoats. Because the sun is shining.
Spesial untuk cintaku permatahatiku Basitha si lonte haha. Aku mencintaimu. Kita pasti bisa. New days aheadddddd. starting with my new job. heehee ;D
So here it is, Kelly Sweet's "Raincoat"
Raindrops bang like rocks
On my windowpane
I thought they'd never stop
Never see the sun again
And I've been sleeping in
For way too long
Mmm, wake up, enough's enough
Yeah, those days are gone
I'm gonna throw out my raincoat
Mmm, I hope it's all right
Gonna go find me a rainbow
And hang it up in the sky
Blues pass me by
You left me a wreck
Just like a rusty trombone
But some things, they just sting
Enough to move you along
I'm not gonna wait around
I'm throwin' this old thing out
I don't need those blues hanging around
Monday, May 4, 2009
Lopez Murphy, Twitter and
I got these from Mas Dhami Sidharta's blog.
You should visit his blog. So many interesting stuff going on there, well at least interesting for me :D
also this one,
cool presentation about twitter by Common Craft:
and finally i'll leave you to this:

You should visit his blog. So many interesting stuff going on there, well at least interesting for me :D
also this one,
cool presentation about twitter by Common Craft:
and finally i'll leave you to this:

Saturday, May 2, 2009
I can't buy you
A life of sanity and dignity You know it takes two
And what's the use in being a millionaire
If i can't have you
I wanna buy you a home
I'll pay your friends if you're feeling alone
The pain of losing a guy like you Is a bigger cost than paying your dues
I can buy you But i can't make you do what you don't
And i can hire you
But i can't make you love me, i can't make you
You say i'd never go for a little
And i always need more And you're a thousand-dollar playboy
That i just can't afford
But i guess you got me You got me hanging around for too long
I don't wanna stop it I bet your life that it's with me you belong
And i can buy you But i can't make you do what you don't
And i can hire you
But i can't make you love me, i can't make you care
So if i can't make you love me If i can't make you care
What price can take me there in this world
Somebody told me cash is care
I can't take you there anymore.
And what's the use in being a millionaire
If i can't have you
I wanna buy you a home
I'll pay your friends if you're feeling alone
The pain of losing a guy like you Is a bigger cost than paying your dues
I can buy you But i can't make you do what you don't
And i can hire you
But i can't make you love me, i can't make you
You say i'd never go for a little
And i always need more And you're a thousand-dollar playboy
That i just can't afford
But i guess you got me You got me hanging around for too long
I don't wanna stop it I bet your life that it's with me you belong
And i can buy you But i can't make you do what you don't
And i can hire you
But i can't make you love me, i can't make you care
So if i can't make you love me If i can't make you care
What price can take me there in this world
Somebody told me cash is care
I can't take you there anymore.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ngomong apa sih gw

Goodbye kudae ddonakal ddaen
Son hundulmyo Goodbye
Han-garo-un pung-gyongsoke
Uridurun ije
Pyonghwarubke poilkkoya
Arumnabke poilkkoya
Barami puro-o-ne
Chachumchachum mollimolli
Morojyo kanun uri
Naesarang, Goodbye..
When you leave, I’ll wave my hand goodbye
In the midst of the wide scenery…
We will look carefree
We will look beautiful
The winds begin blowing as though it will rain, what perfect timing
Slowly, we grow apart
Goodbye, my love…
This is what i am talking about.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
so you wanna know what i'm doing
you wanna know?
ok, so this is what i am doing.


Can you guess what my job is?
Pemenang yang beruntung akan mendapatkan jabatan saya. Langsung tanpa diundi.
ok, so this is what i am doing.


Can you guess what my job is?
Pemenang yang beruntung akan mendapatkan jabatan saya. Langsung tanpa diundi.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Incompatible, it don't matter though
'cos someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do, You're not easy to find
Is it possible Mr. Loveable
Is already in my life?
Right in front of me, Or maybe you're in disguise
Here we are again, circles never end
How do I find the perfect fit
There's enough for everyone
But I'm still waiting in line
Most relationships seem so transitory
They're all good but not the permanent one
yes. here. we. go. again.
btw, it's natasha bedingfields' song titled Soulmate. I did eliminate the chorus cos it's too cheesy, even for me. hahaha.
I miss that moments. even if that was not real for him.
'cos someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do, You're not easy to find
Is it possible Mr. Loveable
Is already in my life?
Right in front of me, Or maybe you're in disguise
Here we are again, circles never end
How do I find the perfect fit
There's enough for everyone
But I'm still waiting in line
Most relationships seem so transitory
They're all good but not the permanent one
yes. here. we. go. again.
btw, it's natasha bedingfields' song titled Soulmate. I did eliminate the chorus cos it's too cheesy, even for me. hahaha.
I miss that moments. even if that was not real for him.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
why would anyone eat something this adorable:

and this adorable:

kasian kan kalo disateeee...
you can go eat anything you want, but not rabbits. and dogs. and cats. others are fine.
btw, liat deh ini ada iklan2 caleg maksaa bgt. lain daripada yang pernah kalian lihat before.. hihi. silakan kunjungi blog dari mas dami sidharta. There are also some other interesting marketing communications featured there. Even some tips for you yang pengen masuk dunia periklanan. hmmmmmmmmmm..

and this adorable:

kasian kan kalo disateeee...
you can go eat anything you want, but not rabbits. and dogs. and cats. others are fine.
btw, liat deh ini ada iklan2 caleg maksaa bgt. lain daripada yang pernah kalian lihat before.. hihi. silakan kunjungi blog dari mas dami sidharta. There are also some other interesting marketing communications featured there. Even some tips for you yang pengen masuk dunia periklanan. hmmmmmmmmmm..
Monday, April 13, 2009
Yesterday I was soo upset i almost cry di atas ojek yang melaju. hihihi.
What upset me so much?
gak tau. Kayanya hari itu 'salah' aja.. 'nggak nolong', 'ngga banget'.. apa lagi bahasanya??
Well, maybe gw bisa pilih alasan2 dibawah ini..
I. Isilah titek-titek dibawah ini. (kaya soal ujian)
I was upset because...
1. i could not stay longer at the campus and play stupid with my friends. Padahal hari itu semuanya ngumpul untuk ukur toga.
2. it was effing hot
3. i spent too much money for i dont know what these past 3 days
4. i could not find any ojek near my office
5. i forgot the infocus for today's meeting
6. i went home late
7. i forgot my daily prayers. gaswat ya gw.
8. i was not sure with my presentation for tomorrow
9. i hate my workplace. duh.
10. i hit my toe. sakit bgt ampe biru.
11. i haven't washed my hair and its lepek and my scalp is itchy now.
12. i missed "Ups Salah" episode today which featured my friends.
13. i overpaid my ojek
14. i was hungry
15. my feet ached from the new shoes
on a brighter note,
Lets pray for
What upset me so much?
gak tau. Kayanya hari itu 'salah' aja.. 'nggak nolong', 'ngga banget'.. apa lagi bahasanya??
Well, maybe gw bisa pilih alasan2 dibawah ini..
I. Isilah titek-titek dibawah ini. (kaya soal ujian)
I was upset because...
1. i could not stay longer at the campus and play stupid with my friends. Padahal hari itu semuanya ngumpul untuk ukur toga.
2. it was effing hot
3. i spent too much money for i dont know what these past 3 days
4. i could not find any ojek near my office
5. i forgot the infocus for today's meeting
6. i went home late
7. i forgot my daily prayers. gaswat ya gw.
8. i was not sure with my presentation for tomorrow
9. i hate my workplace. duh.
10. i hit my toe. sakit bgt ampe biru.
11. i haven't washed my hair and its lepek and my scalp is itchy now.
12. i missed "Ups Salah" episode today which featured my friends.
13. i overpaid my ojek
14. i was hungry
15. my feet ached from the new shoes
on a brighter note,
Lets pray for
Sunday, April 12, 2009
i'm constantly complaining
i know.
Mungkin yahh teman2 gw sudah bosaaaannn dgn omongan gw tentang where i'm working right now. How my boss is..... yah begitulah, and how i don't approve of my job description [in fact, i'm not even sure there are any such description. hah. i think they should just write MONEY MAKING in my job desc]
Tapi gimanaaaa lagi donnggg i just can't help it. Kalo dipancing tentang pekerjaan gw ini, bisa-bisa langsung gw nyanyikan lagu Vierra "Deeengarkaann curhatkuuuu.." alias bisa cerita panjang lebuar gw soal gimana gw merasa tidak di tempat dan di pekerjaan yang seharusnya.
see i'm complaining again.
Mungkin yahh teman2 gw sudah bosaaaannn dgn omongan gw tentang where i'm working right now. How my boss is..... yah begitulah, and how i don't approve of my job description [in fact, i'm not even sure there are any such description. hah. i think they should just write MONEY MAKING in my job desc]
Tapi gimanaaaa lagi donnggg i just can't help it. Kalo dipancing tentang pekerjaan gw ini, bisa-bisa langsung gw nyanyikan lagu Vierra "Deeengarkaann curhatkuuuu.." alias bisa cerita panjang lebuar gw soal gimana gw merasa tidak di tempat dan di pekerjaan yang seharusnya.
see i'm complaining again.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
try try try
Try, try, try - Smashing Pumpkins
Let me tell you,
The video is really sad. Kemaren ini gw ga sengaja denger lagunya dan teringat videonya. One of my all-time favorite. You can youtube it here.
Katanya ada versi short-movienya juga.
Di video ini, entah kenapa -sekali lagi gw ulangi, entah kenapa, maybe the song, apalah dan ini subjektif- Billy Corgan looks hot. hahaha. biasanya kan dia plain ozzy syahputra. Hehehhee. He looks even hotter with hair :D James Iha juga kadang tampak oke kadang plain engko2.. hehehe

Oh iyaaaa one disturbing thought, though. film Radit dan Jani terinspirasi video ini gak ya? hehehe.
Pop tart, what's our mission
Do we know but never listen
For too long they held me under
But I hear It's almost over
In Detroit, on a Memphis train
Like you said it's
Down in the heat and the summer rain of
The automatic gauze of your memories
Down in the sleep at the airplane races
Try to hold on, to this heart
A little bit longer
Try to hold on, to this love aloud
Try to hold on, for this heart's
A little bit colder
Try to hold on, To this love
Paperback scrawl your hidden poems
Written around the dried out flowers
Here we are still trading places
To try to hold on
Pop tart, can you envision
A free world, of clear division
For too long
They held us under
But I know, we're getting over
In Detroit, with the Nashville tears
Like you said it's
Down in the heat with the broken numbers
Down in the gaze of solemnity
Down in the way you've held together
To try to hold on, to this heart
A little bit closer
Try to hold on, to this love aloud
Try to hold on, for this heart's
A little bit older, try to hold on
To this love aloud, and we are still alive
Try to hold on, and we have survived
Try to hold on
And no one should deny
We tried to hold onto the pulse of the feedback current
Into the flow of encrypted movement
Slapback kills the ancient remnants
That try to hold on
Try to hold on, To this heart alive
Try to hold on, To this love aloud
Try to hold on, And we are still alive
Try to hold on, And we have survived
Try to hold on
Pop tart, you never listen
Skinned knees
Try to hold on
Stop start
What's our mission
Skinned knees
Try to hold on
Let me tell you,
The video is really sad. Kemaren ini gw ga sengaja denger lagunya dan teringat videonya. One of my all-time favorite. You can youtube it here.
Katanya ada versi short-movienya juga.
Di video ini, entah kenapa -sekali lagi gw ulangi, entah kenapa, maybe the song, apalah dan ini subjektif- Billy Corgan looks hot. hahaha. biasanya kan dia plain ozzy syahputra. Hehehhee. He looks even hotter with hair :D James Iha juga kadang tampak oke kadang plain engko2.. hehehe

Oh iyaaaa one disturbing thought, though. film Radit dan Jani terinspirasi video ini gak ya? hehehe.
Pop tart, what's our mission
Do we know but never listen
For too long they held me under
But I hear It's almost over
In Detroit, on a Memphis train
Like you said it's
Down in the heat and the summer rain of
The automatic gauze of your memories
Down in the sleep at the airplane races
Try to hold on, to this heart
A little bit longer
Try to hold on, to this love aloud
Try to hold on, for this heart's
A little bit colder
Try to hold on, To this love
Paperback scrawl your hidden poems
Written around the dried out flowers
Here we are still trading places
To try to hold on
Pop tart, can you envision
A free world, of clear division
For too long
They held us under
But I know, we're getting over
In Detroit, with the Nashville tears
Like you said it's
Down in the heat with the broken numbers
Down in the gaze of solemnity
Down in the way you've held together
To try to hold on, to this heart
A little bit closer
Try to hold on, to this love aloud
Try to hold on, for this heart's
A little bit older, try to hold on
To this love aloud, and we are still alive
Try to hold on, and we have survived
Try to hold on
And no one should deny
We tried to hold onto the pulse of the feedback current
Into the flow of encrypted movement
Slapback kills the ancient remnants
That try to hold on
Try to hold on, To this heart alive
Try to hold on, To this love aloud
Try to hold on, And we are still alive
Try to hold on, And we have survived
Try to hold on
Pop tart, you never listen
Skinned knees
Try to hold on
Stop start
What's our mission
Skinned knees
Try to hold on
Monday, March 23, 2009
ok, first of all....
*sigh, i dont even know where to start. Arrrgg it is so goddamn frustratingggggggg..
ok, first of all,
If you want to pitch for a media planning tender, you got to have the brief on the objectives and segmentation of the company and everything instead of just telling me to FIND OUT ABOUT THE MEDIA suitable for this particular company.
You don't even know what kind of documents needed for the proposal material. Why pitch anywayysss????
second of all,
You gave me this book on campaign planning for me to read (!!). It is clear that YOOUU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT A MEDIA PLAN IS, WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE AND HOW IT IS NOT THAT EASY TO DEVELOP ONE.
i studied them actually when i was in college, and i did NOT LIKE it. It IS complicated.
third of all,
does it ever occur to you, Mister, that..
Somebody, just kill me now.
Ampppuunnn Tuhaaaaaaaannnnnn.
*sigh, i dont even know where to start. Arrrgg it is so goddamn frustratingggggggg..
ok, first of all,
If you want to pitch for a media planning tender, you got to have the brief on the objectives and segmentation of the company and everything instead of just telling me to FIND OUT ABOUT THE MEDIA suitable for this particular company.
You don't even know what kind of documents needed for the proposal material. Why pitch anywayysss????
second of all,
You gave me this book on campaign planning for me to read (!!). It is clear that YOOUU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT A MEDIA PLAN IS, WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE AND HOW IT IS NOT THAT EASY TO DEVELOP ONE.
i studied them actually when i was in college, and i did NOT LIKE it. It IS complicated.
third of all,
does it ever occur to you, Mister, that..
and tomorrow we will be pitching against 2 media planning giants. MindShare and Grey.Somebody, just kill me now.
Ampppuunnn Tuhaaaaaaaannnnnn.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Jesus, walk with me
No religious issues intended. haha. i knew this song from Basitha, and listening to this, gw bisa sedikit mendalami perasaan dia dan si anunya itu. I think you guys should listen to it too. Go google it peopleeeeee [or buy the cd,whatever hahaha]
When I wake up in the morning
feel the sun shine on my face
I get up and I’m yawning
There is so much time I can waste
Cause I need this
God feed me with your love
And take me through the day
Fool me into believing
I don’t care if your deceiving me
I wouldn’t want it any other way
‘Cause then I’d only stay the same
When I wake up in the dawning
And the day is not far away
Find my way in a dark room
That my eyes fail to see through
If God made me
Will Jesus save me?
And take me through the day
Fool me into believing
I don’t care if your deceiving me
Before I go I need to be
Something more than the skin and bones you see
‘Cause everywhere I go
Everywhere I’ve been
And everywhere I’m going to
I only go with you
Apart from this rancak bana internet connection in my office, still LACK OF POST and after a while i only managed to post a song lyric here, no story whatsoever. hahahaha. my lazy ass.
When I wake up in the morning
feel the sun shine on my face
I get up and I’m yawning
There is so much time I can waste
Cause I need this
God feed me with your love
And take me through the day
Fool me into believing
I don’t care if your deceiving me
I wouldn’t want it any other way
‘Cause then I’d only stay the same
When I wake up in the dawning
And the day is not far away
Find my way in a dark room
That my eyes fail to see through
If God made me
Will Jesus save me?
And take me through the day
Fool me into believing
I don’t care if your deceiving me
Before I go I need to be
Something more than the skin and bones you see
‘Cause everywhere I go
Everywhere I’ve been
And everywhere I’m going to
I only go with you
Apart from this rancak bana internet connection in my office, still LACK OF POST and after a while i only managed to post a song lyric here, no story whatsoever. hahahaha. my lazy ass.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
"Mungkin yang beli kamera ama film yang harganya dua kali lipat di sana itu anak-anak hipster kali ya."
"pastinya, pir..yang beli polaroid di toko "Paman" adalah tipe-tipe remaja-remaja yang baru memproklamirkan dirinya sebagai anak 'indie', kuliah desain grafis di universitas berbiaya mahal, dan tak lupa memakai baju-baju terkini yang menjadi 'seragam wajib' jika sedang ada acara-acara :P"
conversation taken from
"pastinya, pir..yang beli polaroid di toko "Paman" adalah tipe-tipe remaja-remaja yang baru memproklamirkan dirinya sebagai anak 'indie', kuliah desain grafis di universitas berbiaya mahal, dan tak lupa memakai baju-baju terkini yang menjadi 'seragam wajib' jika sedang ada acara-acara :P"
conversation taken from
Banyak Asap Disana.
Efek Rumah Kaca - Banyak Asap Disana
hidup tak lagi sama konglomerasi pesta
lapar bagai hama tak ada yang tersisa
dedikasi dijaga berjejal di kepala
demi sanak saudara hingga menyesakkan dada
diskriminasi hanya untuk kita semua
kado bersama sama di musim perik tiba
yang muda lari ke kota, berharap tanahnya mulia
kosong di depan mata, banyak asap di san
menanam tak bisa, menangis pun sama
gantung cita cita di tepian kota
tiba-tiba gw cape.
I was all positive. tapi melihat dua e-mail tadi gw jadi mendadak dangdut.
Isi e-mailnya jauh dari negatif. Tapi kenapa ya tiba2 gw merasa
amat sangat c a p e k dan m u a k.
and in case you're wondering. Iya lagunya emang ga nyambung. Ga ada hubungannya. Hanya sedang mendengarkan lagu itu and i felt like writing the words here.
hidup tak lagi sama konglomerasi pesta
lapar bagai hama tak ada yang tersisa
dedikasi dijaga berjejal di kepala
demi sanak saudara hingga menyesakkan dada
diskriminasi hanya untuk kita semua
kado bersama sama di musim perik tiba
yang muda lari ke kota, berharap tanahnya mulia
kosong di depan mata, banyak asap di san
menanam tak bisa, menangis pun sama
gantung cita cita di tepian kota
tiba-tiba gw cape.
I was all positive. tapi melihat dua e-mail tadi gw jadi mendadak dangdut.
Isi e-mailnya jauh dari negatif. Tapi kenapa ya tiba2 gw merasa
amat sangat c a p e k dan m u a k.
and in case you're wondering. Iya lagunya emang ga nyambung. Ga ada hubungannya. Hanya sedang mendengarkan lagu itu and i felt like writing the words here.
Monday, March 2, 2009
my brother just smacked the cicak dead
Salah sendiri dia mucul di depan gw. udah tau gw ga suka.
Dan bertepatan dgn adik gw yg baru pulang sekolah dan sedang bersemangat.
Tadinya gw udah teriak2 'udah jangan diuber ntar malah kesini'
Tapi adik gw penasaran.
Digetoklah cicak itu. dan mati.
Cicaknya gede warna abu2.. huek.
Terus dibuang ama dia.
Di tong sampah tetangga. hehehe.
Adik yang pintar.
PETA will sue me if they read this post.
jadi jangan bilang2 ya.
Dan bertepatan dgn adik gw yg baru pulang sekolah dan sedang bersemangat.
Tadinya gw udah teriak2 'udah jangan diuber ntar malah kesini'
Tapi adik gw penasaran.
Digetoklah cicak itu. dan mati.
Cicaknya gede warna abu2.. huek.
Terus dibuang ama dia.
Di tong sampah tetangga. hehehe.
Adik yang pintar.
PETA will sue me if they read this post.
jadi jangan bilang2 ya.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
25 random things
Hahahahahaha. setelah sekian lama akhirnya gw finally answered the 3.623.563 people who had been very kind to tag me to fill this '25 random things about me'.
Why after this tag is already basi gw baru bikin?? karenaaaaaaaa.. jawabannya ada di dalam nomor2 di bawah ini.. haha.
1. i may look normal but if you look carefully, i have a humonggous hip i look like a mermaid. Ask my friends.
2. i took my driving lesson at SANTA driving course, got my license but now i barely even drive. Ha.
3. i envy those korean girls with their porcelain white skin.
4. When i'm riding a bus, i prefer sitting in front.
5. My dream job is to be a radio announcer and celebrity -if that's even a job
6. i am NOT a perfectionist. i wish i were.
7. I'm bad at remembering directions and streets.
8. Staying in, DVDs, stacks of comic books, good food is my perfect day-off combo
9. I pity them who dislike "Twilight" cos they think they're too cool for it.
10. I do chores. Mine are washing clothes and do the dishes.
11. i don't eat daging kambing and anything kambing. I tried it once, put it in my mouth, chewed it like once or twice and spitted it. NAJIS GAK ENAKKKK. huekk. so don't tell me i didn't try.
12. I read magazine backwards.
13. two abilities that i wish i had: singing and drawing.
14. I am tone-deaf.
15. I am so not attached to my cellphone. Espescially when i'm home, more than often i barely even know where it is.
16. I like asian guys. Korean or American-born-Chinese. hehehe
17. I prefer Angelina Jolie to Jennifer Aniston.
18. When i was in elementary school, i used to have a crush on Boyzone's Stephen Gately and Caught in The Act Eloy [i forget his last name]. Later, it turned out that they were gay couple.
19. I am not into Harry Potter. I read the first book and i don't understand why people are crazy about it. Call me lack of imagination. hehe
20. I like to watch good Indian Movie. Iyaa apalagi yang ada Shah Rukh Khan dan Amitabh Bachan. Tua-tua keladi, makin tua makin jadi. hahaha.
21. I am afraid of dogs. Real, alive, breathing, around me kind of dogs. Gw suka sebenernya ama anjing, asal cuma liat di tv, atau liat dari jauh atauu kalo lagi dipegang ama yang punya.
22. I think Meteor Garden is one of the greatest series ever. I still like Tao Ming Se character until now. hehe.
23. U2 Live in Jakarta. Please please please pleeeaaseeeee
24. I think i'm not drinking enough water. Gw jarang minum air putih :(
25. Procrastinator. Gw suka menunda-nunda pekerjaan. Dari yang ga penting macam ngisi tag ini sampe yang penting2.
hufff. that's about it now. cape juga ya. :P
Why after this tag is already basi gw baru bikin?? karenaaaaaaaa.. jawabannya ada di dalam nomor2 di bawah ini.. haha.
1. i may look normal but if you look carefully, i have a humonggous hip i look like a mermaid. Ask my friends.
2. i took my driving lesson at SANTA driving course, got my license but now i barely even drive. Ha.
3. i envy those korean girls with their porcelain white skin.
4. When i'm riding a bus, i prefer sitting in front.
5. My dream job is to be a radio announcer and celebrity -if that's even a job
6. i am NOT a perfectionist. i wish i were.
7. I'm bad at remembering directions and streets.
8. Staying in, DVDs, stacks of comic books, good food is my perfect day-off combo
9. I pity them who dislike "Twilight" cos they think they're too cool for it.
10. I do chores. Mine are washing clothes and do the dishes.
11. i don't eat daging kambing and anything kambing. I tried it once, put it in my mouth, chewed it like once or twice and spitted it. NAJIS GAK ENAKKKK. huekk. so don't tell me i didn't try.
12. I read magazine backwards.
13. two abilities that i wish i had: singing and drawing.
14. I am tone-deaf.
15. I am so not attached to my cellphone. Espescially when i'm home, more than often i barely even know where it is.
16. I like asian guys. Korean or American-born-Chinese. hehehe
17. I prefer Angelina Jolie to Jennifer Aniston.
18. When i was in elementary school, i used to have a crush on Boyzone's Stephen Gately and Caught in The Act Eloy [i forget his last name]. Later, it turned out that they were gay couple.
19. I am not into Harry Potter. I read the first book and i don't understand why people are crazy about it. Call me lack of imagination. hehe
20. I like to watch good Indian Movie. Iyaa apalagi yang ada Shah Rukh Khan dan Amitabh Bachan. Tua-tua keladi, makin tua makin jadi. hahaha.
21. I am afraid of dogs. Real, alive, breathing, around me kind of dogs. Gw suka sebenernya ama anjing, asal cuma liat di tv, atau liat dari jauh atauu kalo lagi dipegang ama yang punya.
22. I think Meteor Garden is one of the greatest series ever. I still like Tao Ming Se character until now. hehe.
23. U2 Live in Jakarta. Please please please pleeeaaseeeee
24. I think i'm not drinking enough water. Gw jarang minum air putih :(
25. Procrastinator. Gw suka menunda-nunda pekerjaan. Dari yang ga penting macam ngisi tag ini sampe yang penting2.
hufff. that's about it now. cape juga ya. :P
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Want to start working right away.
Why??? masa sih gak tauuu.. ihi ihiy.
Sekarang gw lagi online di foodcourt STC. nah di depan gw is this couple yang sedang romantis dimana si cewe sedang mengguntingkan kuku tangan si cowonya yang lagi asik main internet..
AAaaaaawww ssoooo sweeett..
Ya mudah2an gak lanjut ke kuku kaki ya nekk... hihi.
Why??? masa sih gak tauuu.. ihi ihiy.
Sekarang gw lagi online di foodcourt STC. nah di depan gw is this couple yang sedang romantis dimana si cewe sedang mengguntingkan kuku tangan si cowonya yang lagi asik main internet..
AAaaaaawww ssoooo sweeett..
Ya mudah2an gak lanjut ke kuku kaki ya nekk... hihi.
Monday, February 23, 2009
on being hired and not happy.
to make the long story short (which i will probably tell you next time. or never. haha)
let's just say that it didn't turn out as i expected it to be.
ya memang belom mulai. but i can see where it's heading.
so you guys better pay me fuckloads of money.
i'm still looking at other places, though. HELPP.
to make the long story short (which i will probably tell you next time. or never. haha)
let's just say that it didn't turn out as i expected it to be.
ya memang belom mulai. but i can see where it's heading.
so you guys better pay me fuckloads of money.
i'm still looking at other places, though. HELPP.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Everything is cool as long as i am getting thinner
Lily Allen - The Fear
fun song. when i first heard of it i thought it was Sophie Ellis Bextor. It sounds like her a lot. Well, i kinda hope it was Sophie who did it haha :P
I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I don’t care about clever I don’t care about funny
I want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them
I’ll take my clothes off and it will be shameless
‘Cuz everyone knows that’s how you get famous
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah I’m on to a winner
I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear
Life’s about film stars and less about mothers
It’s all about fast cars cussing each other
But it doesn’t matter cause I’m packing plastic
and that’s what makes my life so fucking fantastic
And I am a weapon of massive consumption
and its not my fault it’s how I’m programmed to function
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah we're on to a winner
Forget about guns and forget ammunition
Cause I’m killing them all on my own little mission
Now I’m not a saint but I’m not a sinner
Now everything's cool as long as I’m getting thinner
See? lucu kan lagunya?

fun song. when i first heard of it i thought it was Sophie Ellis Bextor. It sounds like her a lot. Well, i kinda hope it was Sophie who did it haha :P
I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I don’t care about clever I don’t care about funny
I want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them
I’ll take my clothes off and it will be shameless
‘Cuz everyone knows that’s how you get famous
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah I’m on to a winner
I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear
Life’s about film stars and less about mothers
It’s all about fast cars cussing each other
But it doesn’t matter cause I’m packing plastic
and that’s what makes my life so fucking fantastic
And I am a weapon of massive consumption
and its not my fault it’s how I’m programmed to function
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah we're on to a winner
Forget about guns and forget ammunition
Cause I’m killing them all on my own little mission
Now I’m not a saint but I’m not a sinner
Now everything's cool as long as I’m getting thinner
See? lucu kan lagunya?

Thursday, February 19, 2009
I wish you love
WAS my soundtrack last year, you know when i was in the "D" madness. Now it's my friends' soundtrack. haha.
aduh bas gw mengerti perasaan lo deh kayanya...
I wish you bluebirds in the spring
To give your heart a song to sing And then a kiss,
but more than this I wish you love
And in July a lemonade
To cool you in some leafy glade
I wish you health And more than wealth
I wish you love
My breaking heart and I agree
That you and I could never be
0So with my best, My very best I set you free
I wish you shelter from the storm
A cozy fire to keep you warm
But most of all when snowflakes fall
I wish you love.
ga ada yg bisa gw bold karna 'rata' semua. hahahaha.
ang here is the pic of Ms. Yamagata. as usual.
aduh bas gw mengerti perasaan lo deh kayanya...
I wish you bluebirds in the spring
To give your heart a song to sing And then a kiss,
but more than this I wish you love
And in July a lemonade
To cool you in some leafy glade
I wish you health And more than wealth
I wish you love
My breaking heart and I agree
That you and I could never be
0So with my best, My very best I set you free
I wish you shelter from the storm
A cozy fire to keep you warm
But most of all when snowflakes fall
I wish you love.
ga ada yg bisa gw bold karna 'rata' semua. hahahaha.
ang here is the pic of Ms. Yamagata. as usual.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Skip Divided
12.33 PM
Skip Divided - Thom Yorke
So, this was inspired by this blog of arkasha. I barely even know her tapi blognya bagus. Dan ini salah satu yang caught my attention.
Eventhough i never could really understand most of radiohead and/or thom yorke songs, tapi yang ini liriknya okey.
I'm in a skip divided malfunction
I flap around and dive bomb
Frantically around your light
Enveloped in a sad distraction
I got your voice repeating endlessly
Could you guide me in?
Could you smother me?
I swoop around your head
But I never hit
I'm blinded by your daylight
Electric veins pass through me
I thought there was this big connection
I only got my name I only got the situation
I just need a number and location
Without appropriate papers or permissions
I'm known to bite in tight situations
And I head into your french windows
I thought there was a big connection
I only got my name I only got my situation
I just need my number and location
And my mum keeps telling me
Hey hey hey hey hey hey
The devil may
Hey hey hey hey hey hey
You are a fool For sticking round
Yeah you are a fool For sticking round
I tried every trick in the book
I tried to look and knew, Every trick in the book
But how come I look?
No more common dress or elliptical caress
Don't look into your eyes cause I'm desperately in love
In love
When you walk in the room everything disappears
When you walk in the room it's a terrible mess
When you walk in the room I start to melt
When you walk in the room I follow you round
Like a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a lapdog
I'm your lapdog
I just got a number and location
I just need my number and location

Skip Divided - Thom Yorke
So, this was inspired by this blog of arkasha. I barely even know her tapi blognya bagus. Dan ini salah satu yang caught my attention.
Eventhough i never could really understand most of radiohead and/or thom yorke songs, tapi yang ini liriknya okey.
I'm in a skip divided malfunction
I flap around and dive bomb
Frantically around your light
Enveloped in a sad distraction
I got your voice repeating endlessly
Could you guide me in?
Could you smother me?
I swoop around your head
But I never hit
I'm blinded by your daylight
Electric veins pass through me
I thought there was this big connection
I only got my name I only got the situation
I just need a number and location
Without appropriate papers or permissions
I'm known to bite in tight situations
And I head into your french windows
I thought there was a big connection
I only got my name I only got my situation
I just need my number and location
And my mum keeps telling me
Hey hey hey hey hey hey
The devil may
Hey hey hey hey hey hey
You are a fool For sticking round
Yeah you are a fool For sticking round
I tried every trick in the book
I tried to look and knew, Every trick in the book
But how come I look?
No more common dress or elliptical caress
Don't look into your eyes cause I'm desperately in love
In love
When you walk in the room everything disappears
When you walk in the room it's a terrible mess
When you walk in the room I start to melt
When you walk in the room I follow you round
Like a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a lapdog
I'm your lapdog
I just got a number and location
I just need my number and location

i don't think this song is about love, though
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