Thursday, February 19, 2009

I wish you love

WAS my soundtrack last year, you know when i was in the "D" madness. Now it's my friends' soundtrack. haha.
aduh bas gw mengerti perasaan lo deh kayanya...

I wish you bluebirds in the spring
To give your heart a song to sing
And then a kiss,
but more than this
I wish you love
And in July a lemonade

To cool you in some leafy glade

I wish you health And more than wealth
I wish you love

My breaking heart and I agree

That you and I could never be

0So with my best, My very best
I set you free
I wish you shelter from the storm

A cozy fire to keep you warm

But most of all when snowflakes fall

I wish you love.

ga ada yg bisa gw bold karna 'rata' semua. hahahaha.
ang here is the pic of Ms. Yamagata. as usual.

tapi ya bas deeepp down inside, selfish thought: kalo bisa minta, pengen ga sih lo rasanya untuk bener2 jadi ama dia. teserah deh mau ntar ke depannya gimana. buhuhuhuhu

1 comment:

  1. YAIYALAH MENURUT L??? haha. ibaratnya nyet, kalo tau2 detik ini juga tuhan muncul di depan gue dan nanya, "yaudah, gue bikin lo jadian sama dia. tapi rambut lo gue bikin gundul seumur idup." tanpa pikir panjang gue bakal jawab "iya!". segitunya nyeeet. yah ngapain kmrn gue sampe kaya gt kalo gue ga pengen sama dia? :(
