Saturday, February 28, 2009

25 random things

Hahahahahaha. setelah sekian lama akhirnya gw finally answered the 3.623.563 people who had been very kind to tag me to fill this '25 random things about me'.

Why after this tag is already basi gw baru bikin?? karenaaaaaaaa.. jawabannya ada di dalam nomor2 di bawah ini.. haha.


1. i may look normal but if you look carefully, i have a humonggous hip i look like a mermaid. Ask my friends.

2. i took my driving lesson at SANTA driving course, got my license but now i barely even drive. Ha.

3. i envy those korean girls with their porcelain white skin.

4. When i'm riding a bus, i prefer sitting in front.

5. My dream job is to be a radio announcer and celebrity -if that's even a job

6. i am NOT a perfectionist. i wish i were.

7. I'm bad at remembering directions and streets.

8. Staying in, DVDs, stacks of comic books, good food is my perfect day-off combo

9. I pity them who dislike "Twilight" cos they think they're too cool for it.

10. I do chores. Mine are washing clothes and do the dishes.

11. i don't eat daging kambing and anything kambing. I tried it once, put it in my mouth, chewed it like once or twice and spitted it. NAJIS GAK ENAKKKK. huekk. so don't tell me i didn't try.

12. I read magazine backwards.

13. two abilities that i wish i had: singing and drawing.

14. I am tone-deaf.

15. I am so not attached to my cellphone. Espescially when i'm home, more than often i barely even know where it is.

16. I like asian guys. Korean or American-born-Chinese. hehehe

17. I prefer Angelina Jolie to Jennifer Aniston.

18. When i was in elementary school, i used to have a crush on Boyzone's Stephen Gately and Caught in The Act Eloy [i forget his last name]. Later, it turned out that they were gay couple.

19. I am not into Harry Potter. I read the first book and i don't understand why people are crazy about it. Call me lack of imagination. hehe

20. I like to watch good Indian Movie. Iyaa apalagi yang ada Shah Rukh Khan dan Amitabh Bachan. Tua-tua keladi, makin tua makin jadi. hahaha.

21. I am afraid of dogs. Real, alive, breathing, around me kind of dogs. Gw suka sebenernya ama anjing, asal cuma liat di tv, atau liat dari jauh atauu kalo lagi dipegang ama yang punya.

22. I think Meteor Garden is one of the greatest series ever. I still like Tao Ming Se character until now. hehe.

23. U2 Live in Jakarta. Please please please pleeeaaseeeee

24. I think i'm not drinking enough water. Gw jarang minum air putih :(

25. Procrastinator. Gw suka menunda-nunda pekerjaan. Dari yang ga penting macam ngisi tag ini sampe yang penting2.

hufff. that's about it now. cape juga ya. :P


  1. I like to watch good Indian Movie. Iyaa apalagi yang ada Shah Rukh Khan dan Amitabh Bachan. Tua-tua keladi, makin tua makin jadi. hahaha.

    *iya witaaa..yg the best banget kuch kuch hota hai sama kubhi kushi kubhi gamm
    hahahahaha...rahuuullll =D

    I think Meteor Garden is one of the greatest series ever. I still like Tao Ming Se character until now. hehe.

    * i absolutely agree!!!!!dao ming tse, idola sampe sekarang..galak2 gimanaaa gitcyuuuu..
    hahahaha.cukup bersainglah sam young djae..

  2. 3. i envy those korean girls with their porcelain white skin.

    ya elah neng, kurang putih apa elo, hahahahaha

    14, 19, 21, 24, 25


  3. gue inget nama panjangnya Eloy tuh Eloy de Jong dia kan belande2 gile gitu kaaan jadi namanya emang agak2 aneh. dulu gue inget gara2, 'apa sih namanya kok de jong de jong najong kali.' mengingatkan gue akan si ukris 'najong dah.'

    gue juga nggak suka daging kambing. rasanya kaya berak.

    iya lo emang duyung banget..ayo goyaaaaang duyuuuunggg...bebaskanlah hatimu..ayo goyaaaang duyuuung...

